• Resolved iBusinessLogic


    Public uploader seems to be working fine, other than this pesky error message that occurs when a user uploads a single file.

    No matter what file extension is uploaded (.jpg,.png,.gif) – Upon upload of an image, the following error message is repeated 7 times (In a large red info box at the top of the page) when the page where the short code is displayed reloads.

    “xxx.jpg” is not a valid file.

    The file uploads fine, and I am notified of the upload in email. I can then approve the image and it appears in the assigned gallery perfectly.

    I can find no where to select the “Authorized” file types for upload. I have tried disabling all other plugins in my installation to determine is there is a conflict.

    Any suggestions – ideas? Is this a new bug?


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  • Not sure, as it turns out its not exactly working. I’ve still got an error coming up, though i think it’s because the file is too large.

    Though the _____ is not a valid file was never an error I was getting…

    here’s my class.npu_uploader.php file, hope it helps

    // Get NextGEN Gallery Functions
    require_once (NGGALLERY_ABSPATH."/admin/functions.php");
    class UploaderNggAdmin extends nggAdmin
    	// Public Variables
        public $arrImageIds = false;
        public $strGalleryPath = false;
        public $arrImageNames = false;
        public $strFileName = false;
        public $blnRedirectPage = false;
        public $arrThumbReturn = false;
        public $arrEXIF = false;
    	public $arrErrorMsg = array();
    	public $arrErrorMsg_widg = array();
        function upload_images() {
            global $wpdb;
            // Image Array
            $imageslist = array();
            // Get Gallery ID
            $galleryID = (int) $_POST['galleryselect'];
            if ($galleryID == 0) {
    			if(get_option('npu_default_gallery')) {
    				$galleryID = get_option('npu_default_gallery');
    			} else {
                	nggGallery::show_error(__('No gallery selected.','nggallery'));
            // Get Gallery Path
            $gallerypath = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT path FROM $wpdb->nggallery WHERE gid = '$galleryID' ");
            if (!$gallerypath){
                nggGallery::show_error(__('Failure in database, no gallery path set.','nggallery'));
            // Read Image List
            $dirlist = $this->scandir(WINABSPATH.$gallerypath);
            foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) {
                if ($_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0) {
                    $entropy = '';
                    $temp_file = $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'];
                    $filepart = pathinfo ( strtolower($_FILES[$key]['name']) );
                    // Required Until PHP 5.2.0
                    $filepart['filename'] = substr($filepart["basename"],0 ,strlen($filepart["basename"]) - (strlen($filepart["extension"]) + 1) );
                    // Random hash generation added by [https://www.linus-neumann.de/2011/04/19/ngg_pu_patch]
                    	$randPool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    					for($i = 0; $i<20; $i++)
    						$entropy .= $randPool[mt_rand(0,strlen($randPool)-1)];
                    $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '-' . sha1(md5($entropy)). '.' .$filepart['extension'];
                    // Allowed Extensions
                    $ext = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'tiff', 'bmp' );
                    if ( !in_array($filepart['extension'], $ext) || !@getimagesize($temp_file) ){
                        //nggGallery::show_error('<strong>'.$_FILES[$key]['name'].' </strong>'.__('is not a valid file.','nggallery'));
                    // Check If File Exists
                    $i = 0;
                    while (in_array($filename,$dirlist)) {
                        $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '_' . $i++ . '.' .$filepart['extension'];
                    $dest_file = WINABSPATH . $gallerypath . '/' . $filename;
                    // Check Folder Permissions
                    if (!is_writeable(WINABSPATH.$gallerypath)) {
                        //$message = sprintf(__('Unable to write to directory %s. Is this directory writable by the server?', 'nggallery'), WINABSPATH.$gallerypath);
                    // Save Temporary File
                    if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $dest_file)){
                       // nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file could not moved to : ','nggallery').$dest_file);
                    if (!$this->chmod ($dest_file)) {
                       // nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file permissions could not set.','nggallery'));
                    // Add to Image and Dir List
                    $imageslist[] = $filename;
                    $dirlist[] = $filename;
            if (count($imageslist) > 0) {
    			if ( ! get_option('npu_exclude_select')  ) {
    				$npu_exclude_id = 0;
    			} else {
    				$npu_exclude_id = 1;
                // Add Images to Database
                $image_ids = $this->add_Images($galleryID, $imageslist);
                $this->arrThumbReturn = array();
                foreach ($image_ids as $pid) {
                    $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->nggpictures SET exclude = '$npu_exclude_id' WHERE pid = '$pid'");
                    $this->arrThumbReturn[] = $this->create_thumbnail($pid);
                $this->arrImageIds = array();
                $this->arrImageIds = $image_ids;
                $this->arrImageNames =array();
                $this->arrImageNames = $imageslist;
                $this->strGalleryPath = $gallerypath;
        } // End Function
    	function upload_images_widget() {
            global $wpdb;
            // Image Array
            $imageslist = array();
            // Get Gallery ID
            $galleryID = (int) $_POST['galleryselect'];
            if ($galleryID == 0) {
    			if(get_option('npu_default_gallery')) {
    				$galleryID = get_option('npu_default_gallery');
    			} else {
                	//nggGallery::show_error(__('No gallery selected.','nggallery'));
            // Get Gallery Path
            $gallerypath = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT path FROM $wpdb->nggallery WHERE gid = '$galleryID' ");
            if (!$gallerypath){
               // nggGallery::show_error(__('Failure in database, no gallery path set.','nggallery'));
            // Read Image List
            $dirlist = $this->scandir(WINABSPATH.$gallerypath);
            foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) {
                if ($_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0) {
                    $temp_file = $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'];
                    $filepart = pathinfo ( strtolower($_FILES[$key]['name']) );
                    // Required Until PHP 5.2.0
                    $filepart['filename'] = substr($filepart["basename"],0 ,strlen($filepart["basename"]) - (strlen($filepart["extension"]) + 1) );
                    $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '.' . $filepart['extension'];
                    // Allowed Extensions
                    $ext = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif');
                    if ( !in_array($filepart['extension'], $ext) || !@getimagesize($temp_file) ){
                        //nggGallery::show_error('<strong>'.$_FILES[$key]['name'].' </strong>'.__('is not a valid file.','nggallery'));
                    // Check If File Exists
                    $i = 0;
                    while (in_array($filename,$dirlist)) {
                        $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '_' . $i++ . '.' .$filepart['extension'];
                    $dest_file = WINABSPATH . $gallerypath . '/' . $filename;
                    // Check Folder Permissions
                    if (!is_writeable(WINABSPATH.$gallerypath)) {
                      //  $message = sprintf(__('Unable to write to directory %s. Is this directory writable by the server?', 'nggallery'), WINABSPATH.$gallerypath);
                       // nggGallery::show_error($message);
                    // Save Temporary File
                    if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $dest_file)){
                       // nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file could not moved to : ','nggallery').$dest_file);
                    if (!$this->chmod ($dest_file)) {
                       // nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file permissions could not set.','nggallery'));
                    // Add to Image and Dir List
                    $imageslist[] = $filename;
                    $dirlist[] = $filename;
            if (count($imageslist) > 0) {
    			if ( ! get_option('npu_exclude_select')  ) {
    				$npu_exclude_id = 0;
    			} else {
    				$npu_exclude_id = 1;
                // Add Images to Database
                $image_ids = $this->add_Images($galleryID, $imageslist);
                $this->arrThumbReturn = array();
                foreach ($image_ids as $pid) {
                    $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->nggpictures SET exclude = '$npu_exclude_id' WHERE pid = '$pid'");
                    $this->arrThumbReturn[] = $this->create_thumbnail($pid);
                $this->arrImageIds = array();
                $this->arrImageIds = $image_ids;
                $this->arrImageNames =array();
                $this->arrImageNames = $imageslist;
                $this->strGalleryPath = $gallerypath;
        } // End Function

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