• I am new to blogging and have no idea what I’ve done wrong! I can sign in, but that is it. My blog won’t show anything and I get this message

    Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at mysql. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    Are you sure that the database server is running?
    If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.

    I know the address, password, etc. I don’t know what to do. Please help

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  • I’m having this problem too. It started at almost exactly 10PM last night. I;m pretty sure that the problem is with the mySql database, because I can log into my wp site via the yahoo administration client, but cannot run the mySql admin software.

    Thread Starter Grasshopper


    Thank you for all the replies!! I guess I will have to wait as well since I do not understand coding. I had the same thing here. It worked fine then all of a sudden it was gone. I just joined and set it up too LOL Please tell me all that info I put in will still be there! Anyways, thank for all the replies, you’re all great! I would have replied sooner but I fell asleep last night LOL Anybody know how long the upgrade will take?

    I’m so glad I found this here! I’m new to word press and just set up with yahoo a couple of days ago. I’m so glad it wasn’t something I did to cause this error hehehe.

    As a side note, I’d like to grumble about the WordPress support search engine. I entered “Error establishing a database connection” into the search box, and this post did NOT come up. It was only by chance that I came across it.


    wp-config.php is not in the root but in the WordPress directory, no problem with this.

    sorry, about the username and password I was wrong it’s there and still the same as my backup from december 28
    same for name of the database (mysql) and location (WordPress directory).

    further no feedback from yahoo until now (7.5 hours ago)

    I’ve been having the same problems and getting the same “Error establishing database connection” error message since about 7:00pm EST last night. We also use WordPress and Yahoo small biz hosting.

    I contacted Yahoo technical support by phone, and they were aware that there was an issue and asked me to contact the tech team at this email address:

    wh-php [at] yahoo-inc [dot] com

    That was about 90 minutes ago — hopefully they can resolve this soon.

    Looks like this is resolved now. GL.

    yup. as of this posting my wordpress install is up and running. i think yahoo figured it out already.

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