• Resolved butterman


    In installed WordPress on my home server about a week ago with no trouble. I had Gallery2 installed and working on the same server. After the WP installation, I could not access Gallery2 (access denied error). To access Gallery2, I entered the following command:

    $ mysql gallery2 -uroot -e"GRANT ALL ON gallery2.* TO username@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'"

    Gallery2 is now working, but WP is broken. WP says:

    Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host's database server is down.

    How do I access my blog (which has content I want to keep) without breaking Gallery2 again? Can I use the same mysql username and password for both installations?

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  • There’s no reason WordPress can’t share a MySQL database with any other software that uses MySQL. Make sure you have the correct data in wp-config.php.

    wp-config.php has a $table_prefix that you can use to insure database tables names don’t conflict with other software (including other copies of WordPress).

    Other resoureces:
    Creating a database and user (from Installing WordPress)
    Editing wp-config.php

    Thread Starter butterman


    The first of the two links in the previous post is broken. I found two copies of wp-config.php:


    Many of the entries referred to in the second link are entirely missing from my copy of wp-config.php. Here’s my config.php:

    /** WordPress's Debianised default master config file
    Please do NOT edit and read about how the configuration works in the README.Debian
    define('ABSPATH', '/usr/share/wordpress/');

    Do I have the right file? Why does it tell me not to edit?

    Sorry–here’s the full link:

    Okay — looks like the Debianized version of wordpress has a separate configuration file. I’ll have to look for that–maybe someone else knows about that.

    Looks like a file called


    holds the database information.

    Thread Starter butterman


    Problem solved. I found the configurate file with my database information in it. The database password was not one that I set, but rather some strange mix of numbers and letters–apparent automatically generated. I replaced that password with my password and WordPress came back up with everything intact. Not sure why my password changed. Thanks for your help.

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