• I’ve edited and uploaded wo-config with everything else. I use 1and1 hosting and so in my MySQL settings I set the following line:
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘db69.perfora.net’);

    When I went into wp-admin, I got the following error:

    Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at db69.perfora.net

    The server *is* up and running, the password and username are correct, and I’m currently using MT on the same database.
    What have I done wrong?

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  • Hi bpuppy, did you install the MySQL 4.1 distribution from MySQL.com? If so, the problem is that the version of PHP distributed with Mac OS 10.4 doesn’t use the mysqli library, which means that you can’t authenticate against a MySQL version 4.1 installation.

    You can either go about upgrading PHP, or downgrading MySQL to version 4.0. Personally I went with 4.0 because it was a whole lot easier.

    If you didn’t install MySQL 4.1, then I’m not sure where to point you. That was the problem I had though.

    Hi Guys

    wordpress has been working fine for weeks since installation. Now I get:-Error establishing a database connection at both domains where it is loaded. I haven’t changed anything – and posted 2 articles on one domain earlier today. Any ideas?

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