to anyone still having trouble: try a variety of options, these must vary with WP versions…
when you’re dealing with this block in wp-config.php:
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’); // The name of the database
define(‘DB_USE’’, ‘root’); // Your MySQL username
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”); // …and password (Leave empty!)
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // Your MySQL hostname
DB_NAME: you should change this (if you’re creating a local version of an online WP install, this is the same name you were given when you created the online version of the database, something like abc12345678901234).
DB_USER: this seems to vary, some sites say use the username you chose when installing the online version, others say leave it as “root”; “root” is what finally worked for me.
DB_PASSWORD: also seems to vary, one site said use your existing password from the online install, but most said leave it blank; leaving it blank worked for me.
DB_HOST: another varying item, some say leave as “localhost”, others had to specify an IP Address (most often seen:
and last but not least, my version of WP (2.8.4) does NOT have a /wp-admin/install.php, mine is /wp-admin/install-helper.php, which, after running, just left me staring at a blank white page… i then manually went to /wp-admin and was greeted by a glorious log-in screen…
hope this helps someone,