Error establishing a database connection
Installing WordPress Locally – using MAMP (v.3.8)
Started process with new version of both on Dec. 24, 2015
So far I have:
1) Downloaded WordPress 4.42) Launched MAMP
3) Using MAMP’s phpMyAdmin created a new database – which I named wordpress44
4) Unzipped the WordPress folder and placed it in my MAMP application folder’s htdocs folder.
5) Opened up the wp-config-sample.php file and filled in the required information –
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress44’);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’);/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’);/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);6) Saved my edited file as wp-config.php.
7) Made sure MAMP is running & opened up firefox and point it to: localhost:8888/wordpress – (which is the name of the wordpress folder)
& I receive the message:
Error establishing a database connectionI have been on all the help threads I can find – 12 hrs of troubleshooting using existing suggestions & I am still stuck.
I truly appreciate help in solving this so I can install wordpress for the first time. Thank you for time & assistance.
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