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  • I found, in:

    Also, on very few upgrades from WordPressMU to 3.0 and up, a small number of users experienced a problem with creating new sites and receiving errors. This turned out to be a database collation issue”

    Is there any more info on this one? I am using WordPress MU since version 1.5 if I remember well. And upgraded to 3.0

    Anonymous User 6488573


    Seems like Defensio is preventing the creation of the tables when adding a new site.

    It would be great if an exception could be raised when something like this happens.

    It’s almost impossible to debug atm. We just have to turn off plugins one by one, but it’s not feasible in production.

    @oliver – you’ll have to start a new thread with your own specific issues.

    Anonymous User 6488573



    Hello all,

    I’ve got the same problem om
    The site is working (although still under construction) and blog creation was working. until one day, suddenly when creating a test blog, i got database error. and again when creating a another test blog.

    I tried repairing it and got this code to copy paste in here:
    wp_usermeta: 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
    wp_19_posts: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_posts' doesn't exist
    wp_19_comments: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_comments' doesn't exist
    wp_19_links: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_links' doesn't exist
    wp_19_options: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_options' doesn't exist
    wp_19_postmeta: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_postmeta' doesn't exist
    wp_19_terms: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_terms' doesn't exist
    wp_19_term_taxonomy: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_term_taxonomy' doesn't exist
    wp_19_term_relationships: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_term_relationships' doesn't exist
    wp_19_commentmeta: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_commentmeta' doesn't exist
    wp_sitemeta: 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly

    How can this be fixed please ??

    @mafgirl: start a new thread please. You’ll get more help that way.

    I had the same problem connecting to database for all sub domain sites, the fix came from removing www. from the main site url in WP admin, but also switching off www. prefix in my domain configuration panel on the server (plesk), then it all worked fine.

    We solved this.

    First of all the problem was with databases connection
    my main concern was that privileges will be the problem

    I granted all privileges but didn’t work

    I backed up all the website, started debugging, creating new db user, and granted him the priviliages. db error went away, but mu refused to work.

    when added new user in wp-config.php I used the standard pattern of config file instead of spanish comments, wpmu was disabled there, and I enabled that.

    It worked ??

    @wiki Chaves thanks for the simple fix, I disabled plugins, then created sites, and then re-enabled plugins. I didn’t get the “Error establishing a database connection” after that. Thanks!

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