-First, try contacting the hosting provider if the database server is online / if they have any other problem at their end, or they made any changes to your account, or if there are any limitations/restrictions, etc .
The server is in the machine room next door. I have other WP databases currently running with older versions of WP (v3.0).
– double check your wp-config.php file settings for the database name, database username and database password. This is where most errors occur.
I’ve gone over these settings with a fine tooth comb. What I don’t understand is that admin/wp-install.php creates and populates 11 tables in the database before returning to wp-login.php. So the system must have accessed the database using the info in wp-config in order to do this, don’t you agree?
-Then check that you don’t need to change the database host from “localhost” to something else. You can get that info from your hosting provider.
I don’t understand this either. All the other WordPress and Moodle installs I have done use ‘localhost’ successfully. Why would I need to change it now? But I did try ‘’ without success (same error message). I do have sole access to this server (it’s my sandbox) so there’s no other user account that could screw things up.
-Check you have actually created a database with the same database name as is in your wp-config.php file.
Yes, I checked with phpmyadmin and 11 tables were created :
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_quake |
| wp_commentmeta |
| wp_comments |
| wp_links |
| wp_options |
| wp_postmeta |
| wp_posts |
| wp_term_relationships |
| wp_term_taxonomy |
| wp_terms |
| wp_usermeta |
| wp_users |
-Last, but not least, if all that information is correct your database probably has a problem with it, and you may need to contact your hosting provider.
Ask your hosting provider if the database server is online / if they have any other problem at their end, or they made any changes to your account, or if there are any limitations/restrictions, etc . Also check with them if you need to upgrade the hosting account in order to install and run your verson of the WordPress.
Again, I have sudo access to this server so the hosting provider is me. It already runs WP3.0 with no problems, it’s just this latest 3.12 which is giving me gyp.
Here’s another thing. The following code:
$db = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'quakeuser', '*******');
if (!$db) echo "connection failed";
else echo "connection succeeded";
located in the same directory as wp-login.php when run from Firefox outputs ‘connection succeeded’
I really appreciate your taking the time to help me out here. This is driving me bats!