• I definately have the db name and user and password correct in the config file, but still can’t get it to install…any thoughts?
    much appreciated!!!

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  • are you 110% sure? the error would suggest that you may have overlooked something.

    Some hosts will prefix your account username before the db name you chose ie: acctname_dbname

    Theres also a limit on the length a database name can be so if you typed something long some of the letters may have been cut off.

    If after the above your still sure your db settings are correct, contact your host they can actually view your account so you will more than likely get a quicker response/resolution.

    If you’re running it locally then have you started the mysql services?

    When you say you can’t get it to install, what do you mean? Are there errors? What are the errors? Etc?

    I get the same “Error Establishing Database Connection” but my blog had been running fine for 2 days and then all of a sudden i get this.

    anyone know why?

    also, i can still get to a posting page but not the opening page. what does that mean?

    this is what it says:

    “This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at kdpatton.powwebmysql.com. This could mean your host’s database server is down.”

    im pretty sure my hosts server is fine because my other sites are running. i could be wrong though. i am new to WP

    If you are 110% sure that the info in wp-config.php is correct, then contact your host, as something is wrong!

    i did and they fixed it. thanks!
    sorry for taking over this post

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