Error: Failed to generate cache
I installed this plugin and want to add Tailwind to my Custom Theme (a blank theme
I already added th Scanner code into my functions.php file following this document
* @param array $providers The collection of providers that will be used to scan the design payload
* @return array
function register_my_theme_provider(array $providers): array {
$providers[] = [
'id' => 'uu_dam', // The id of this custom provider. It should be unique across all providers
'name' => 'My Theme Scanner',
'description' => 'Scans the current active theme and child theme',
'callback' => 'scanner_cb_my_theme_provider', // The function that will be called to get the data. Please see the next step for the implementation
'enabled' => \WindPress\WindPress\Utils\Config::get(sprintf(
'uu_dam' // The id of this custom provider
), true),
return $providers;
add_filter('f!windpress/core/cache:compile.providers', 'register_my_theme_provider');and
function scanner_cb_my_theme_provider(): array {
// The file with this extension will be scanned, you can add more extensions if needed
$file_extensions = [
$contents = [];
$finder = new \WindPressDeps\Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder();
// The current active theme
$wpTheme = wp_get_theme();
$themeDir = $wpTheme->get_stylesheet_directory();
// Check if the current theme is a child theme and get the parent theme directory
$has_parent = $wpTheme->parent() ? true : false;
$parentThemeDir = $wpTheme->parent()->get_stylesheet_directory() ?? null;
// Scan the theme directory according to the file extensions
foreach ($file_extensions as $extension) {
$finder->files()->in($themeDir)->name('*.' . $extension);
if ($has_parent) {
$finder->files()->in($parentThemeDir)->name('*.' . $extension);
// Get the file contents and send to the compiler
foreach ($finder as $file) {
$contents[] = [
'name' => $file->getRelativePathname(),
'content' => $file->getContents(),
return $contents;
}But when i press Generate Cache button then it’s showing this notification:
Error: Failed to generate cache
Can you tell me what’s missing here?
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