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  • Matthias Bathke


    I can confirm this issue. This error occurs out of nowhere with both, v5.2 and v5.3 of CF7. We are currently required to deactivate ReCaptcha Feature until this has been fixed :/

    Thread Starter adminlibreriaurano


    A Ok thank you Matthias.
    I dont know this information. ??

    This problem have dificult to fix the error?

    Ok, I deactivated the option in my CF7 ??

    Many thanks.

    Thread Starter adminlibreriaurano


    Ok. close the ticket. ??

    Thread Starter adminlibreriaurano


    Hello Matthias…

    Please you have time to check this info?
    In other ticket
    the problem more then likely is the fact that you are loading the base recaptcha JS with async & defer attributes, so it is not guaranteed to be available when inline JS (which depends on said recaptcha JS) is executed;

    <script src=”//” async defer type=”88c906a1f097d3d4a35c2a15-text/javascript”></script>

    this is likely made even more fragile by using AO (which also defers the aggregate JS), asyncjs (which defers non-autoptimized JS) and cloudflare’s rocketloader (which has it’s own, different method of deferring). I also see jQuery is not defined errors by the way, so you will have to look into that as well I guess.

    hope this helps,

    This option is valid?… if not, how to deactivated th recaptcha? only erase the dir of grecaptcha in CF7?
    Uncaught ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined

    OK I wait your comments ??

    Matthias Bathke


    I am not a developer of CF 7, I’ve just added to your ticket that the issue occurs on my side, too. We have to wait until plugin author responds here ??

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