• Hello, from step 1 to step 2 I get a “You do not have permission to access this document.” error on screen and in logs there is this message:

    ModSecurity: [file “/etc/httpd/conf/modsecurity.d/rules/comodo/24_SQL_SQLi.conf”] [line “67”] [id “218500”] [rev “7”] [msg “COMODO WAF: SQLmap attack detected||www.gtattoo.gr|F|2”] [data “Matched Data: or&step=1 found within ARGS:_wp_http_referer: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=woocommerce_coupon_generator&step=1”] [severity “CRITICAL”] [tag “CWAF”] [tag “SQLi”] Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Pattern match “[\\\\[\\\\]\\\\x22′,()\\\\.]{10}$|(?:union\\\\s+all\\\\s+select\\\\s+(?:(?:null|\\\\d+),?)+|order\\\\s+by\\\\s+\\\\d{1,4}|(?:and|or)\\\\s+\\\\d{4}=\\\\d{4}|waitfor\\\\s+delay\\\\s+’\\\\d+:\\\\d+:\\\\d+’|(?:select|and|or)\\\\s+(?:(?:pg_)?sleep\\\\(\\\\d+\\\\)|\\\\d+\\\\s*=\\\\s*(?:dbms_pipe\\\\.receive_mes …” at ARGS:_wp_http_referer. [hostname “www.gtattoo.gr”] [uri “/wp-admin/admin.php”] [unique_id “Wiu0yJBMDxYAADWQ1jIAAADN”]

    What could be the issue?

    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Jeroen Sormani



    I’m not sure what that log means (never seen that before), modsecurity is something on server level, so you may want to contact your host to help determine why that error appears.

    From what I can tell its some firewall that is preventing access. (not something that I can influence from within the plugin)

    Let me know your findings / what your hosts says!


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