error in module.metaboxes line 973
Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/leads/modules/module.metaboxes.wp-lead.php on line 973
I’m very new to this plugin, and like what I’m seeing in general.
When I first turned it on (running with Gravity forms), the first lead I checked presented the error above when I looked at the lead. Error shows up in several places after I click into the lead.
Couple things, I am using Gravity Forms. The lead was ‘captured’ from Gravity forms.
It successfully captured the First Name from the name field, but not the Last Name, which was blank in Leads.
Not sure if I performed the setup correctly for WP Leads. (I only activated it.) Couldn’t find any other instructions on what I may or may not need to do on the InboundNow site? (That was a bit confusing for what its worth, trying to find simple setup documentation or videos. The demos ‘almost’ show you but not quite. ?? )
Sharing a little extra here in case it helps the plugin developers, clean things up for future users….
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