• Resolved philfox


    I’m trying to stream S3 and Cloudfront videos using the JW Player v6 & RTMP.

    I have entered the region, bucket name, access id, and secret access key in the AmazonS3 and CDN Storage Option.

    In the S3/Cloudfront Storage option, I have entered the keypair id and the contents of the PK-.pem file.

    I’ve uploaded the jwplayer folder to the root of my domain.

    I’ve entered the following code on the page:
    [s2Stream player=”jwplayer-v6″ player_path=”/jwplayer/jwplayer.js” file_download=”000.mp4″ player_key=”xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==” /]

    When I preview the post I get the error
    ‘Error loading player: No playable sources found’, and the source code shows the following:

    ‘if(typeof jwplayer.key !== ‘string’ || !jwplayer.key)
    jwplayer.key = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==’;

    title: ”,
    image: ”,

    mediaid: ”,
    description: ”,

    captions: [],

    sources: [{‘file’: ”,’default’: ‘true’}]

    controls: true,
    skin: ”,’

    I cannot understand what’s wrong – I’ve checked all the details a number of times and everything seems OK, but I’m obviously missing something!

    Thanks for any suggestions


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  • Thread Starter philfox


    Just discovered what I’d missed! Hadn’t set the user permissions to PowerUser!
    Works fine now.

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