Thanks, Janis, but telling us to add ‘/full/path/to/php-errors.log’ or ‘/home/path/logs/php-errors.log’ is confusing for the nonprofessional. Better would be to give a concrete example.
If I right-click on the empty file I’ve created called ‘php-errors.log’ (writable (664) and in any directory) using my FTP client and choose, for example, ‘Copy Path’, I get ‘ftp://’ at the beginning. That looks odd and sure enough if I include it, I get, for example, ‘The log file does not exist or is inaccessible. If I add ‘home’ to the beginning: ‘ftp://home/’, I actually do get an error message which starts: Warning: is_readable(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed:. But below the message it still says that the file doesn’t exist or is inaccessible. If I get rid of ‘ftp://’ or replace it with ‘full’, it tells me the same thing. But when I put ‘home’ in front: ‘/home/’, it says that the error log filename is not set, plus the usual instructions.
I would like to have error logs on my testing site because I’m having compatibility problems with a plugin that is essential and it would be helpful for the developers of the plugin if they could see an error log output.
Do you have any suggestions? What other information would you need from me?