• When I first used WP Clone with moving a WordPress 3.5.1 to a new server as a test, it worked fine. But then I tried to repeat this process again, with the same host, and the same domain, and I keep getting this error “Error Message : MySQL server has gone away”. I tried all kinds of combinations: full backup, just database, using wpdb — all to no avail. What does this error mean? And why it worked the first time and now it’s not working?


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  • #betholsoncreative

    thanks a lot… It worked like a charm…

    Glad to hear it! I think the plugin has worked like it’s supposed to only once or twice. I almost always to it this way. It’s a little more work but it works great!

    I had this error just now so I Googled this thread but I tried again and it worked. It must be something with the web host’s side as well.

    I’ve cloned a number of my sites and never seen this error before today.

    Same to Daniel Delos, I tried again and it worked fine. But I deleted the old backup zip first before the second try.

    Had same problem on a shared Godaddy host, in advanced settings section of the WPClone plugin i set the script execution time to 600 and worked fine.

    Same problem with Siteground, tried again and worked.

    As Siteground, tried second time went fine.

    # betholsoncreative , Thanks

    its worked, i am using godaddy hosting & got that problem on it.
    also i am using WP 3.9.1 in case anyone thinking about version.
    i insert the code line after 25th instance of $this->dbh

    <p>If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.</p>
    ” ), htmlspecialchars( $this->dbhost, ENT_QUOTES ) ), ‘db_connect_fail’ );

    return false;
    } else if ( $this->dbh ) {
    $this->has_connected = true;
    $this->set_charset( $this->dbh );
    $this->ready = true;
    $this->query(“set session wait_timeout=600” );
    $this->select( $this->dbname, $this->dbh );

    return true;

    return false;

    Having the same problem with LiquidWeb right now while moving a client site.

    Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/murphysx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-clone-by-wp-academy/lib/functions.php on line 245
    The plugin encountered an error while cloning the database,the following error message was returned:
    Error Message : MySQL server has gone away

    Temporary files created in /home/murphysx/public_html/wp-content/wpclone-temp will be deleted.

    I receive this error on the website https://www.whichtransfers.com:

    The plugin encountered an error during the database backup,the following error message was returned:
    Error Message : MySQL server has gone away
    emporary files created in …/wp-content/uploads/wp-clone/wpclone_backup will be deleted.

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