• Resolved [email protected]


    Hi There,

    I tried the CSV import, but get the following messages:

    Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit due to system policy in /customers/1/f/3/classindo-wood.com/httpd.www/Webshop Namm/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-csvimport/include/woocommerce-csvimport-functions.php on line 91 Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /customers/1/f/3/classindo-wood.com/httpd.www/Webshop Namm/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-csvimport/include/woocommerce-csvimport-functions.php on line 214

    I assume it has to do with the time limit of the sales price discount??

    I tried a test with the supplied csv file, but drops all the info in 1 product in stead of 4 seperate ones


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  • Thread Starter [email protected]


    Found solution for above, comma to be changed to seperator in settings.

    Now, import is working, only one error message:
    Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit due to system policy in /customers/1/f/3/classindo-wood.com/httpd.www/Webshop Namm/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-csvimport/include/woocommerce-csvimport-functions.php on line 91

    One more question: Is there a way to kind of synchronise the products?
    when I import the list again, I would like that the identical products are overwritten and the new ones are added/ or obsolete ones deleted.

    How to do this?

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hi There,

    One more problem: The product pictures won’t display. Tried all the possible, like full url, like this:
    \wp-content\uploads\2012\11 or only picture1.jpg but nothing…please advice.



    Plugin Author allaerd


    Hi MArc,

    About the set_time_limit. This is a restriction from you’re hosting provides. I’ll create an option in the next release to enable/ disable it. Because i can not set it to 0 you should be aware that when importing LARGE files you could get an error.

    For the pictures you can do 3 things

    1. Put in the complete url: https://www.mydomain.com/thepicture.jpg
    2. Select the csv AND THE PICTURES when you manual select them
    3. Make SURE that you place them in one directory and use the fixed import. Put them in /uploads/csvimport/fixed/. This is the default directory where the plugins look in.

    If you still have problems. Mail me you’re csv ( [email protected])

    Kind regards,

    Allaerd Mensonides

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hi Allaerd,


    one more question: I assumed that the linke errors might be due to bad map name (webshop namm) in two words…tried to modify, but this was bad luck, had to re-install wp again (faster than trouble shooting)
    Nevertheless, when I re-installed the csv plugin I noticed following message: “De plugin genereerde 99 tekens van onverwachte uitvoer tijdens de activatie. Als je merkt dat er “headers already sent” berichten verschijnen of problemen met de RSS-feeds of andere problemen opduiken, probeer deze plugin dan te deactiveren of te verwijderen.”
    it is in Dutch, but you can translate to English

    same issue i have facing that csv plugins error issue that is very critical.

    I get the following error after activating plugin

    The plugin generated 99 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    I get the following error after activating plugin

    The plugin generated 99 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hi Alleard,

    import seems to work fine now, although I got the same error messages like above.

    Question: can your import file handle Various products?? problem is that most of my products are various, like colour, size etc. don’t want to split this up in single products, is impossible and not professional.

    hope you got a solution for me!

    Plugin Author allaerd


    I solved the header already sent error. It will be fixed in the new version.

    About variations…..i am working on the the next mayor version where this will be in. I am doing now some customer implementations for this. So drop me a note at [email protected] if you can not wait!

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