• My backups have not been working since 19 Jan.

    Job named ‘weekly database regular’ on 19 Jan was OK. Job created by me.
    Job named ‘weekly database regular AWS’ on 19 Jan has “ERROR: No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings”. This job seemed to have automatically created itself when I first created the above job 18 mths ago.

    Same thing happened again the following week on 26 Jan.

    Job named ‘full regular’ on 1 Feb (which is my monthly job) has “WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.”
    Job named ‘full regular AWS’ on 1 Feb has both errors: “WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.” and “ERROR: No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings.”

    I did a manual backup and works fine. I then selected ‘run now’ for all the above jobs from the Jobs list and still wont work.

    I’ve not made any changes to the settings. Its always been set up to backup to folder. I set it up with the following checked:
    – Database Backup
    – File Backup
    – Back up to folder
    – With WordPress Cron (in the Schedule tab)
    These are still showing the same.
    I have the current version 3.1.4

    Any ideas why this is happening all of a sudden. What do I need to check? Is it going to mess up things to create new jobs again and do I have to delete the previous ones? – I don’t want to lose the backups I have from early Jan.


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  • I am also using the S3 feature and running into the “ERROR: No destination correctly defined for backup! Please correct job settings” issue. I use version 3.14

    Have you solved the issue on your side?

    Thread Starter lisamirt


    No I didn’t resolve the issue. I discovered it only happens on S3 backups to AWS (Amazon Web Services). Further research on AWS website showed they have made some technical adjustments which affects all backups. I’ve not been able to find info on how to now do backups to AWS through Backwpup.
    However, I’ve just checked the backup logs and I see that sometimes the backups to AWS complete without any errors.
    So at least they are still backing up. In any case, I still back up to Folder as well – no issues there.

    Can you test this Version https://github.com/inpsyde/backwpup/releases/download/3.2.0-rc1/backwpup-3.2.0-rc1.zip thre is a newer AWS libery included.

    Thread Starter lisamirt


    I tried to upload the plugin but it came back with a Failed message. Do I need to first remove my current 3.4.1 version and then install your link above? And then re-create my backup jobs again?

    Yes you must delete it first with FTP. If you delete it with the WordPRess funktion all settings will be lost.

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