With all due respect … Read your first post …
How do you expect anybody to be able to help you with a problem description like that ?
It provides almost no info at all …
Despite your second post it’s still not entirely clear what the issue is.
As long as the quality of your problem description is low don’t expect any high quality response.
Spell it out … we are no psychics !
So you made a backup (manually or scheduled ?) and you received a backup email but despite that, the backup log entry says:
details = email to backup recipients could not be sent
and now you want to know how come … Right ?
How do you know that the backup email you received relates to that particular backup log entry ?
Are we talking about an isolated incident or is this happening all the time ? Or was this the first backup ever from the iTSec plugin ?
Has this worked properly before ? Perhaps this behavior started after updating iTSec plugin to version 4.6.8 ?
What iTSec plugin version are you using ?
In the backup log entry what is the status set to (= Success or = Failed) ?
Single or Multisite WordPress install ?
Are you receiving any other (non backup) iTSec plugin emails ?
Any other on topic info you would like to share ?
Remember help us help you …