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  • Plugin Author Tim W


    Interestingly I just received this:

    I’ve never heard of this error.
    What version of WordPress have you updated to?

    Plugin Author Tim W


    Also, do you have Apache mod_sec installed?

    Thread Starter robertorenevf


    The isssue was solved.
    The support domain helped me.
    This is the answer about what was wrong:

    Mod_sec was blocking wp-admin/admin-ajax.php because it thought the login was trying to moidify it.

    I appreciate your interest.

    Plugin Author Tim W


    Ok great. I get this a lot, but nobody ever reported a 406 before.
    I’d love to know what it is about the request to admin-ajax.php that causes the problem.

    Possibly it’s names in the cookie.
    If your support people shed any light on that, please post.

    I also meet this problem, when I try to save my translation, the system says “not acceptable”. Could you give me a tread how to solve that ?

    Thanks for your help !

    John Feng

    Plugin Author Tim W


    There are many threads devoted to the problems of mod_sec.

    If you’re not familiar with it, ask your hosting provider to configure it so you can run WordPress plugins.

    OK, thank you very much for the quick response !


    I’ve checked with my hosting provider and it’s not an issue with mod_sec. Is there anything else that could be causing this “Not acceptable” error?

    Thanks for your help!

    Actually it is too hard for me about mod_sec, so I use this plug to search the content to translate, then use Peodit to translate it, and then upload to the host file. It works in this way for me.

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