• Resolved Sam


    Hello, this morning we started seeing a lot of failed payments with the following error being display in the order notes…

    “Failed to complete the order during the authentication callback. Not matching fields: [order_lines[1].total_amount]”

    What does this mean? We had 3 in the space of 2 minutes.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Andreas – Krokedil


    HI Sam

    As we are discussing this through our support email already I just wanted to add that we will post here what we come up with for others to see if that can be of help for them.

    Plugin Support Andreas – Krokedil


    What we came up with is that the mismatch happens because of a specific setting in the Table Rate Shipping plugin.

    There is a setting in that plugin that makes the shipping to be calculate with our without tax called: Tax included in shipping cost
    In there you got two options: Yes, I will enter costs below inclusive of tax and No, I will enter costs below exclusive of tax

    When changing that option to No, I will enter costs below exclusive of tax instead, and change your prices to excl prices, the problem went away.

    In regular WooCommerce shipping always is set excl tax (with the option to set taxable or none), even how your store has been setup with incl or excl tax.

    So that make me believe that that rounding is coming from the Table Rate Shipping plugin as that is most likely a calculation they do.

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