• Resolved Nathan Ingram


    Hi there… love your plugin and it’s powerful simplicity. I updated this morning and the following error is showing at the top of the page in the admin area:

    Warning: include_once(xxxx/wp-content/plugins/nav-menu-roles/inc/class.Nav_Menu_Roles_Import.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/nav-menu-roles/nav-menu-roles.php on line 89

    Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘xxxx/wp-content/plugins/nav-menu-roles/inc/class.Nav_Menu_Roles_Import.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:xxxx/wp-content/plugins/advanced-access-manager/library/:xxxx/wp-content/plugins/advanced-access-manager/library/phpQuery/phpQuery/:xxxx/wp-content/plugins/advanced-access-manager/library/phpQuery/phpQuery/plugins/’) in xxxx/wp-content/plugins/nav-menu-roles/nav-menu-roles.php on line 89


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  • Same problem here

    Commented out this line as a temp fix (to disable this new “importer” function.

    In file: nav-menu-roles.php

    // add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'register_importer' ) );

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    Sorry guys! Gosh I hate SVN. I will fix this straight away.

    Thread Starter Nathan Ingram


    Wow, really fast response. Thanks Helga!

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    Sure thing. I hate pushing out bad stuff…. now if I could just figure out why SVN didn’t add that file.

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    Ok, 1.3.1 is hopefully good. I tested it on a live site and it seems ok. Please let me know if that resolves it. Sorry again.

    Thread Starter Nathan Ingram


    The new update seems to have resolved the issue for me. I’ll post back if I notice any issues. Thanks SO much for the quick response!

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