• Hi there!

    I’m using this plugin to receive payment of my product. While confirming payment via bKash, I mean when my customer click on Confirm Payment entering the TrxID, an error message displaying often. Please check this – https://prntscr.com/842xno

    I tested it by myself and got same result. Here is my bKash page setting screenshot –

    See – https://prntscr.com/843061

    Note: I’m using my regular bKash Personal number for receiving payment, but the settings page asking me my bKash merchant username, password and mobile number, but I dint interested to use merchant account there.

    What I should do now?


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  • Plugin Author Tareq Hasan


    You must have a merchant account and have to have API access. Otherwise it won’t work.

    Thread Starter Ariful Islam Shaon


    So, those who dont have merchant account from bKash, they cannot use this! ??

    One more question, I tried using a fake TrxID but I did not work like before. Isn’t it important to have a real TrxID for confirming payment belong to my merchant number?

    Plugin Author Tareq Hasan


    When you submit the TrxID, bKash tries to find out in their system with that TrxID and has to be associated with your merchant mobile number. So if it fails, you get an error message.

    Thread Starter Ariful Islam Shaon


    Hi @tareq vai,

    I got the API access from bKash. Would you please just tell me, how I could figure out the API?

    I needed this too

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