Error: PHP is not running
Hi there,
I have installed WordPress3.0 on my webspace by following the ‘5-minute instructions” in detail. When entering ‘wp-admin/install.php’ into the Browser there’s an error coming up: “PHP is not running. WordPress requires that your server is running PHP. Your server does not have PHP installed or PHP is turned off.” This is quite strange as I have reconfirmed with my host ( that my webspace is running with PHP5. The host also mentioned that the files should have “.php5” as endings in order to make them readable by the PHP5-Parser. I have no clue what that means. And, it does not seem that any of the wordpress files have such endings. Also, the host suggested adding a file “.htaccess” next to those two files “AddType x-mapp-php5 .php” and “AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php2“. Again I have not the faintest idea what that means and how this could be done. I have not seen any wordpress files under those names. Besides wordpress there is nothing downloaded on my webspace.
Is there anyone who could assist me with troubleshooting in order to get the wordpress3.0 running? If any further questions please let me know. However please note that I am just a user and have no experience at all in hosting, creating homepages and all these nice things. Many thanks in advance.
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