• I was trying your demo site to posting wp do facebook Mobile.

    I only see an error over there, no post published to facebook.

    I tried also using my own wp install and facebook page. First 2 messages were published. Other next 4 not. Error for all of them.

    After publishing 2 postos using this plugin, Facebook has asked me to change password because they suspected someone was using my acct without permission. So I have changed FB password, also generated a new token with new password, errors, posts not published to facebook.
    Then I Reseted plugin ro default values, generated new token with new password. Still getting errors.

    How to get it working properly?


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  • Hello there,

    Thank you for writing in,

    There are two API setting in this plugin which is mobile API and graphics API. So, If you are using graphics API then change it to mobile API. If you are using mobile API then, Could you please provide us your site URL so that we can check your issue and provide you with the proper solution for this!

    Thank you!

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