• Resolved l r


    I am having lots of problems submitting to smush it.

    I am also getting a blank white screen when I try to edit the image ( wp-admin/post.php?post=6163&action=edit ) which apppears to have uploaded. If I disable smushit things are ok.
    If I view the image first, I then seem to have the facility to edit.

    Can you help
    I moved server, things worked for a while, now not at all,
    This is my debug info. ( urls have been changed but paths to images seem correct to me )

    DEBUG: attachment_file_path=[/home/devsoo/public_html/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092.jpg]
    DEBUG: attachment_file_url=[https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092.jpg]
    DEBUG: file_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092.jpg] home_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite]
    DEBUG: Calling API: [https://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fdevs.co.uk%2Fcopysite%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FIMG_29092.jpg]
    DEBUG: attachment_file_path_size=[/home/devsoo/public_html/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-215×161.jpg]
    DEBUG: attachment_file_url_size=[https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-215×161.jpg]
    DEBUG: file_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-215×161.jpg] home_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite]
    DEBUG: Calling API: [https://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fdevs.co.uk%2Fcopysite%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FIMG_29092-215×161.jpg]
    DEBUG: attachment_file_path_size=[/home/devsoo/public_html/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-470×352.jpg]
    DEBUG: attachment_file_url_size=[https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-470×352.jpg]
    DEBUG: file_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-470×352.jpg] home_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite]
    DEBUG: Calling API: [https://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fdevs.co.uk%2Fcopysite%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FIMG_29092-470×352.jpg]
    DEBUG: attachment_file_path_size=[/home/devsoo/public_html/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-604×270.jpg]
    DEBUG: attachment_file_url_size=[https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-604×270.jpg]
    DEBUG: file_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite/wp-content/uploads/IMG_29092-604×270.jpg] home_url [https://devs.co.uk/copysite]
    DEBUG: Calling API: [https://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fdevs.co.uk%2Fcopysite%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FIMG_29092-604×270.jpg]


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  • Hi @l r,

    Sorry to hear of the problem you are having.

    I am also getting a blank white screen when I try to edit the image ( wp-admin/post.php?post=6163&action=edit ) which apppears to have uploaded. If I disable smushit things are ok.

    Could you please enable wp smush.it and also try enabling WP_DEBUG mode? To do this, just go to wp-config.php include this:


    You might already have a line for WP_DEBUG, so just make sure it’s set to true.

    For information on this, checkout this wpmu.org article.

    Let me know what errors if any you are getting on white screen when editing image.

    Can you help
    I moved server, things worked for a while, now not at all,
    This is my debug info. ( urls have been changed but paths to images seem correct to me )

    So it was working fine for you then have added/updated/deleted anything that caused this issue?

    I can see the following images path are not accessible which you have shared in your debug info.


    Are the above paths correct and the image files exist on that path?

    Kind Regards,

    Hey there.

    We haven’t heard from you in awhile, so I just wanted to check in to make sure all was good.

    This thread was marked resolved, but please, if you still need help then just respond and open it back up. We can then take it from there. ??

    Hope you have a fantastic day!



    I don’t get a blank screen but after I uploaded two images today, I get the following error: “ERROR: posting to Smush.it“. I try to resmush and I get the same error.

    The article that you linked to in your response above specifically states, “Don’t forget that WP_DEBUG is for local development use and should not be used on live sites.”

    Any idea what might be causing this? I’ve never had a problem until today when I was uploading two new images. Both of them caused the error message.

    Edit: I just tried uploading an image to another site that has the plugin installed and I get the exact same error message. Is the WP-Smushit service down right now?





    Thanks. Not sure why I didn’t think to check there.



    Same errors here. I do get “ERROR: posting to Smush.it” when I try to smush an image. It looks like the service is down. The URL https://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php redirects to https://smushit.eperf.vip.ac4.yahoo.com/ysmush.it/ws.php throwing the above error.
    Strange, for the service worked some less than 24hours ago.

    I don’t support the only version that would probable work/function now is the “WP Smush PRO” version, right?

    Can someone from “WPMU DEV” react on that?




    The URL ( https://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php which redirects to ) https://smushit.eperf.vip.ac4.yahoo.com/ysmush.it/ws.php is currently not accessible. It throws the browser response in Chrome:

    “The server at smushit.eperf.vip.ac4.yahoo.com can’t be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website’s name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.
    Go to https://yahoo.com/ …”

    Umesh Kumar


    Hi @nceebob,

    The Yahoo smush service https://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php seems to be down because of some error on their end.

    There is no details from Yahoo regarding that and we have to wait until it is back.

    The Pro Version is not affected by it, as it uses our own server for smushing images, it is working flawlessly.




    Thanks @umesh Kumar for the response. As a matter of fact, I started using/testing this plugin just yesterday.

    If that is how things are (it’s more than 12 hours since the first user report about this service mal-function), in terms of the availability of service even as pertain to the free-mium version of this plugin, then I am already beginning to consider an alternative plugin.

    I suppose free-mium users should have ample and uninterrupted time, to get used to what this plugin before considering the premium version. Does anyone agree with me on this?

    ERROR: posting to Smush.it
    Please give me a link to buy the pro version
    thank you.

    OMG Umesh Kumar, i see your pro version and you don’t OFFER simply standalone download??



    Smush is out. ERROR: posting to Smush.it. I optimize images with KrakenIO https://kraken.io/?ref=305e6f799023



    I am getting the same error continuously;

    << ERROR: posting to Smush.it >>

    I will use Kraken but the Smush.it plugin is easier. I hope it will go back online soon.



    Firstly, this is not resolved. A resolution does not mean buy the PRO version.

    The Smush.it brand image is under serious threat, because the problem has not been solved for millions of users.

    Time to solve the problem is NOW



    Not sure how all of you expect these developers to fix Yahoo’s problem. Smush.it by Yahoo is down. This plugin and its developers are not at fault. Keep up the good work guys. Hopefully Yahoo resolves their issues soon.

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