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  • Plugin Support Nebu John – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @ostinatofreak,

    Sorry to know that you are experiencing this issue.

    I am afraid, I wasn’t able to import the form using the export provided in the question. It looks like it got formatted while posting it here. Can you please share the export of the form using a service like or Google Drive so we can check this further?

    We look forward to hearing back from you.

    Kind Regards,
    Nebu John

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    PS maybe you could edit my original post so it doesn’t have the pasted info. I set the pastebin link to expire in 2 weeks. If you can’t edit the post, let me know if there is anything I can do in the interest of privacy – thanks.

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @ostinatofreak

    I’m afraid I can’t edit any of your posts (we are not running this forum – we are just users like you and have no moderation privileges here).

    As for the issue – I have imported your form to my test site and… it worked just fine out of the box. Even with visibility condition set the field was showing up when it should and submission went fine. I have, however, tested it with Stripe in “test” mode.

    Have you checked if it works in “test” mode (as opposed to “live” mode) – just to make sure?

    The form on your site – is it by any chance in some popup or some “tabs” on the page?

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    If you’d like to try it out on the website, I’ve put Stripe into Test Mode. See . I don’t think Test Mode is really relevant here though, because Forminator itself is stopping the testing process before it has a chance to begin, giving the user this “Stripe field doesn’t exist” error.

    I’m really hoping to fix this in the next week, because 300 members are going to start using it next week to renew their annual membership, and I’m really not excited about the prospect of having to rebuild this form from scratch using WPForms.

    Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @ostinatofreak

    I try to use some test stripe credit card number but it seems, based on error, this form is no longer in test mode. I made also a test with your form in my lab and it works well.

    Would you please run a conflict test? Please deactivate all plugins except Forminator and check if the problem is gone. If so, then enable all plugins one by one and find which one is having a conflict. If there is no positive result, switch to default WordPress theme like 2019, and see if it works.

    Before this test, we recommend full site backup or running this test on the staging site.

    Please let us know about the results.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    I was finally able to get back to this (had to reinstall Windows 11 last week).

    I disabled all plugins except Forminator – the form still gives me the same “Stripe field doesn’t exist” error. I also tried deleting the Stripe field altogether, saving the form, then going into Stripe settings and deleting the Stripe setup. I then went into Stripe and generated a new private key and set Stripe up from scratch in Forminator. Recreated the Stripe field in the form.

    Same problem still exists.

    I always have the entire website backed up (I do it regularly using FTP). At this point if you contact me at [email protected] with an email address such as or something, I will give you a temporary admin login on this website. There is no sensitive information on the site – even the Stripe section does not show the private key.

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    P.S. I just put Stripe into test mode and tried it again, same error. Then tried it again without inputting any family members (I have 3 kids and a spouse I usually put in), same error. Then tried a VISA instead of Discover, same error.

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @ostinatofreak

    Thanks for response!

    I tested it again but, again, no luck in replicating this particular error.

    However, I was eventually able to trigger another error – “Stripe field doesn’t exist” and that would usually be related to issues with some contradictory (or “looped”/”reciprocal”) visibility conditions settings.

    I looked closer to it and the visibility rules there are quite complex. As I’m not much familiar with your business and the “reasons” why rules are set this way – I’m not quite able to suggest specific changes but it seems that the issue is related to the fact that

    – Stripe field is set to be showing only if Total is over 0 (but it actually is usually)
    – Stripe field uses “Total” field as source of payment amount and that field is being hidden based on the other fields (including using the same field radio-4 in calculation and one of the visibility rules)
    – fields that those fields are depending on are also visible based on values on other fields (some of them also conditional.

    It seems this logic needs double-checking now, especially that in the past there were some issues with values (0 versus null) of conditionally hidden fields and after those issues were fixed, it might have affected conditional logic and calculations in general.

    I think for the start please check

    – what happens if you set Total field to be visible all the time
    – then (if it’s not enough) in addition see if you can set visibility logic of Stripe field based on some other field – preferably one that’s not already conditionally showing/hiding

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    I got rid of the visibility conditions for both Total and Stripe, and now we’re right back to what I wrote in my original post: “This value must be greater than or equal to 1.” Forminator unfortunately doesn’t tell me which field it’s talking about. When I fill out the form, I fill it out for myself and 4 other people (additional family members), and I try to pay for a family membership ($170).

    It seems like there are maybe two problems with the form right now. The first one is with visibility, which I think is unfortunate, because there was nothing wrong with the logic. It doesn’t make sense to display a Total field when the user specifies that they plan to pay another way (i.e. with Zelle or by mailing a personal check). It also doesn’t make sense to display the Stripe field if the Total field is at 0. It would be nice to be able to use features as they are designed to be used. Or if there is some rule against hiding a Stripe or calculation field, then Forminator documentation should clarify to the user on-screen what conditions cause malfunctions to take place… or just disable the feature altogether if there is no way for Forminator to work when those kinds of fields have visibility conditions set.

    The second problem is now coming out with the “This value must be greater than or equal to 1” error. I have no idea what is going on there, but clearly this is no longer related to visibility conditions, because at the moment my form has no visibility conditions anywhere.

    Plugin Support Nithin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @ostinatofreak,

    Unfortunately, there are various use cases for the error to occur hence there isn’t any easy way for the plugin to highlight the source of the issue is from a field or any specific conditions etc

    I tested the given form in my test site but wasn’t able to replicate the exact error. Possible to provide the steps to replicate the error ie which exact fields were filled on your side which prompted the error?

    If there is a change to the existing form you have shared with us before then please do re-share a new form export, so that it would help us in identifying what exactly is causing all the anomalies mentioned.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    Updated pastebin:
    Again this is for

    Info I type when I fill out the form… I’m assuming actual names don’t matter, so will just use ***** for those fields. I’m sure I’d be getting the same error if I use John Doe for all of the names.

    First name / Last Name: *****
    USTA Member: Yes
    Tennis Rating: 4.0
    Cell Phone: ****
    Home Phone: (nothing)

    Additional Family Member(s)? Yes

    (family member 1)
    First name / Last name: *****
    USTA Member: Yes
    Tennis Rating: (nothing)
    Relationship: Child
    Family members 2 and 3 same thing as #1
    (Family member 5)
    First name / Last name: *****
    USTA Member: (nothing)
    Tennis Rating: (nothing)
    Relationship: Spouse)

    Membership: Family ($170)
    Optional donation: 0
    Credit / Debit card: Discover card
    Notes: (nothing)


    Error: “This value must be greater than or equal to 1.”
    Nothing in the form is highlighted, so there is no way to tell what this error message is referring to.

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    Just curious (just an idea), is it possible this problem could be caused by the Total field calculation being the following formula:


    Only one of the 5 “radio” options will show any given month of the year (the price of membership changes based on the month and also whether people are newcomers or not). I think any person using Forminator would assume that when being asked to calculate a Total adding up various fields that are invisible, it would just yield “0” because those are null (like in Excel when adding cells that have nothing in them). But if Forminator doesn’t allow invisible fields to be used in calculations, this should be made clear. Even better would be the behavior that I believe anyone would expect: just have Forminator treat hidden fields as “0” when using those fields in calculations.

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    Unfortunately, our organization has decided to remove the credit card field from the Membership form since this bug still persists. I have made a copy of the old form on a page that isn’t indexed on the site, but I published the page just so you can continue to test it if you want. It is

    This also uses the old version of the form that is represented above in the pastebin.

    Thread Starter ostinatofreak


    I think I might have stumbled across a clue about this “must be greater than 0” error (which in turn might also be the cause of the “Stripe field doesn’t exist” error). In testing the new Forminator form at the current live URL ( which has credit card payment removed from the form, I’ve filled out the form, twice now, using Family Membership for the membership type, which means the Total field reads $170. I see with my own two eyes that the Total field says $170 when I submit the form. But then when I get the on-screen notification that’s supposed to remind me to send in my $170 payment, it says to send in a $0 payment. The email notification I get says Total: $0. And if I go to “submissions” in forminator to see the complete content of the submissions, it says $0. It seems Forminator’s calculation fields are sometimes showing the user one thing on screen, but doing another thing behind the scenes.

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