I think I found were the problem is.
In bp-avatar-suggestions-front.php, inside the function prepare_for_js() there is this condition:
if ( ! empty( $suggestion_size['thumbnail'] ) && $suggestion_size['thumbnail'][3] ) {
$avatar['sizes']['thumbnail'] = array(
'height' => $suggestion_size['thumbnail'][2],
'width' => $suggestion_size['thumbnail'][1],
'url' => str_replace( array( 'https:', 'http:' ), '', $suggestion_size['thumbnail'][0] ),
'orientation' => $suggestion_size['thumbnail'][2] > $suggestion_size['thumbnail'][1] ? 'portrait' : 'landscape',
} else {
return false;
After removing this from the if statement:
&& $suggestion_size['thumbnail'][3]
I can see the suggestions on the front end.
I’m not a php developer and not sure what the issue is. This bug is the only thing that prevent me from upgrading to buddypress 2.3.0 and bp-avatar-suggestions 1.3.0
Would it be safe to remove that condition from the if statement?