• Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at mysql. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    Are you sure that the database server is running?
    If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.

    I received above message when trying login, how do I solve this problem?

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  • My think it took about 7-8 hours last time.
    Its time to consider another host, unless Yahoo says something otherwise.

    That’s really generous of you. I’d love to check it out. What’s your URL?

    I’m with blue host and it’s saying wrong username and not allowing login, just this morning.

    davidcree, if Bluehost has the same problem, is it then a WordPress issue?

    I was getting ready to switch from Yahoo…sounds its something elese…?

    marsalatea: like i said .. our site is still under development …

    i do not want to release the actual URL yet until me and my ministry/web design/ business partner are ready for our site to go live .. he is currently converting the design into WP ..

    but i will be glad to set you up if interested … you may contact me regarding the details via my email address:

    designpastor at gmail dot com

    Guys, if you did NOT change anything since it worked and till now (no plugins installed, no tweaking themes etc.) then it is obviously a host issue.
    With the big Y it happens more often than you think… and it could happen with any host, actually.
    If it was a WP issue then everybody’s blog should be down.

    Moshu, What are the chances of not being fully corrected again?

    Hmm.. how often would you say it happens with Yahoo?

    I am not sure I understand what you mean by “fully corrected”.

    Well, what if I am not able to log in again?
    And whats a ‘tweaking’ theme?

    Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its back ON now.

    It’s definitly a host issue, cos my WP hosted blog’s fine and so’s my Blogger one. Not the Yahoo-hosted one though. how sad can that be?

    Bluehost is still not working, I can’t login, and none of my side navigation is showing up. https://www.davidcree.com

    Last week, we tried an upgraded piece of software in one of our farms as part of our regular efforts to make our FastCGI environment even faster. Although this upgraded component tested smoothly in QA, one database server in the farm required some additional work. This caused the ‘unable to connect to db’ errors many of you saw recently. The db server work happened as soon as we learned about this issue and we believe will no longer cause issues. We’re monitoring the associated box closely and will react quickly if anything needs further attention.

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