Very much appreciated.
Can you confirm..
To have bullet points, I need to use two of the functions.
I need to put il tags around every line I want in a bullet list, and I also must use ol or ul tags around the entire list as well?
Like this for example (I deleted the < and >’s in case the code activates):
liGet a large sturdy metal filing cabinet/li
liGet box files and card files/li
liGet an electric label maker/li
liChuck out hanging file guides/li/ul
I’ve installed the plugin called subscribe me, and the admin options window is there, displaying the images, and showing the feed that they connect to.
But in my actual blog page, they don’t show. I’m using Kubrich so the meta tag is already there so it should show up.
I also tried adding the the_subscribe_links tag but that doesn’t do anything either, except make the footer at the bottom of my blog not appear.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
Thanks again, very much.