Thanks Nick, your answer is right on. I looked at the write-up by Zigzagnico on the thread you referred to at (the third to the bottom post). Following what Zigzagnico did, I looked in my Functions.php file (which I am guessing is a Theme file) for something that looked something like what Zigzagnico edited out. I found the following 3 lines, which has a slight resemblance.
// comment out the next two lines to load the local copy of jQuery
wp_register_script(‘jquery’, ‘’, false, ‘1.7.1’);
I commented out the second and third line, as suggested by the first line.
This didn’t quite fix the problem. I also located an additional issue in another plugin (WP Google Maps), which had a line in its setting sheet identified as “Over-ride current jQuery with version 1.8.3 (Tick this box if you are receiving jQuery related errors)”. Actually the override was to a version which was still too old for your plugin. So I needed to remove the “tick” mentioned in the plugin.
After doing the above two corrections, I am getting “Next” and “Previous” to work in your plugin. Since I am not a coder or even anybody that can read code, I am amazed that I actually got this to work. I really appreciate the description by Zigzagnico. I realize that almost everybody is using a different Theme, so what worked for Zigzagnico or what worked for me, will not work for someone else without a lot of guesswork.