Hi @dfootewordpress
I hope you’re well today!
I trie dto submit the form to test it and I was getting error each time. I noticed that upon submission there’s a “500 Internal Server Error” on ajax request.
Usually this means one of two things: most often it’s either it’s resource related issue or it’s a conflict with theme or other plugin.
That being said, please try some things first:
1. try changing submission method in form settings – there’s option to set it to “Ajax” or “Page Reload” so try switching it to the other option than it’s currently set to
2. also try changing the “Load form using AJAX” option
Both these options are in “Behaviour” settings of your form.
3. if above doesn’t help, try also increasing WP_MEMORY_LIMIT if it’s anything less than 256M currently; you can do this by adding following line to the “wp-config.php” file of your site, right above the “/* That’s all, stop editing! */” line:
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
4. if this doesn’t help either, it would be recommended to run a full conflict test:
– temporarily switch site to Twenty Twenty-One theme
– switch off all the plugins except Forminator
– test the form
– if the issue is gone, enable your theme back and check again
– if it’s still fine, start enabling your regular plugins back one by one, after each one checking for the issue
Once it happens again we can assume that last enabled plugin is causing conflict so let us know about it and we’ll then investigate it on our end.
Kind regards,