• Resolved atlet


    I upgraded to newest version and I’m getting this error:

    Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php on line 529

    Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_change_key_case(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php:530 Stack trace: #0 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(530): array_change_key_case() #1 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(56): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->correctCollations() #2 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(41): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->reallyCreateDatabaseTables() #3 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(496): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->createDatabaseTables() #4 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(456): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->updateToNewVersionAction() #5 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(426): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->updateToNewVersion() #6 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(27): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->getOptions() #7 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(43): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker::getInstance() #8 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Loader.php(51): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker::init() #9 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(76): require_once('/usr/www/users/...') #10 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-settings.php(522): include_once('/usr/www/users/...') #11 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-config.php(99): require_once('/usr/www/users/...') #12 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/usr/www/users/...') #13 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('/usr/www/users/...') #14 /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php(10): require_once('/usr/www/users/...') #15 {main} thrown in /usr/www/users/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php on line 530

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Author Aaron


    Hey atlet,

    Thanks for letting me know. I made some changes in version 2.35.15 so let me know if that fixes it.

    If not then:
    * Are you using mysql?
    * Please delete the debug log, turn on debug logging, reproduce the error, view the debug log, paste the entire contents of the debug log to https://pastebin.com/, click the “create new paste” at the bottom, and send me the link to the paste at pastebin here in the forum. (Do not paste the log file here as it is too big and the admins will come in and delete the message). The debug log links for deleting and turning it on are on the 404 Solutions settings page under “Advanced Settings (Etc)” all the way at the bottom, or you can just search the page for “Debug logging” to find it.


    I am experiencing the very same, and was locked out of the backend until I went into the cPanel and renamed 404 solutions so as to take it out of play… Right away fixed things…

    Your changelog on the plugin’s folder has 2.35.15 as the last update… So apparently that version which you mention above is not fixing it…

    I was not even able to get into the backend through WordPress’s recovery mode until I renamed the plugin so as to take it out of play…

    Here is error info from WordPress’s recovery email:

    Error Details
    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 159 of the file /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: array_values(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php:159
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(159): array_values()
    #1 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(304): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getCreateTableDDL()
    #2 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(277): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->getTableDifferences()
    #3 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(136): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->verifyColumns()
    #4 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(54): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->runInitialCreateTables()
    #5 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(41): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->reallyCreateDatabaseTables()
    #6 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(496): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->createDatabaseTables()
    #7 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(456): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->updateToNewVersionAction()
    #8 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(426): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->updateToNewVersion()
    #9 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(69): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->getOptions()
    #10 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(125): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->userIsPluginAdmin()
    #11 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic::override_user_can_access_admin_page()
    #12 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #13 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-user.php(813): apply_filters()
    #14 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/capabilities.php(985): WP_User->has_cap()
    #15 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/capabilities.php(877): user_can()
    #16 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/blocks.php(2616): current_user_can()
    #17 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): _wp_footnotes_kses_init()
    #18 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #19 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
    #20 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php(48): do_action()
    #21 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/user.php(3674): wp_set_current_user()
    #22 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php(70): _wp_get_current_user()
    #23 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php(98): wp_get_current_user()
    #24 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php(152): get_user_locale()
    #25 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php(1010): determine_locale()
    #26 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/featured-images-for-rss-feeds/includes/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php(3616): load_plugin_textdomain()
    #27 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Freemius::_load_textdomain()
    #28 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #29 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
    #30 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-settings.php(555): do_action()
    #31 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-config.php(105): require_once(‘/home/curiouscr…’)
    #32 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/curiouscr…’)
    #33 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once(‘/home/curiouscr…’)
    #34 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-admin/index.php(10): require_once(‘/home/curiouscr…’)
    #35 {main}

    Plugin Author Aaron


    Hey crzyhrse,

    I’m sorry it’s not working. The error you’ve pasted this time is different than the first one.

    As far as I can tell it seems to be a case issue with table names. My guess is that your mysql setting is lower_case_table_names=0.

    Any chance you can change the setting in my.cnf to



    I’m having trouble testing it my system because my file system is case-insensitive and MySQL relies on the file system’s behavior for handling case sensitivity. So I can’t just set my setting to lower_case_table_names=0 to test it because I get an error message and the server doesn’t even start.

    If changing that setting isn’t a possibility for you, just let me know and I’ll see what I can do, but basically it will be a huge pain for me because I guess I have to create a new partition with a different file system and then move the mysql data files to that partition in order to get the lower_case_table_names=0 setting to work so that I can test the plugin again with that setup. It will take some time I guess, as I’ve never done that before.


    Hi Aaron,

    First to say I appreciate you getting back so quickly, and your efforts, and for making the functions of this plugin of yours available to folks…

    This is my first use of your plugin, on a new site I am still designing and developing… So I’m presently in no hurry for a fix…

    I wanted to try a different plugin for this function on this new site, see how it went, and then maybe further use it elsewhere as well… This is mostly because the plugin I have been using for a few years for this function is no longer being supported…

    For now I’ve removed your plugin so I can keep working on the site… I would love to reinstall it once you get this figured out and fixed, so I can keep giving it a try…

    I also suspect that I am likely not the only one a fix for this will help, when you can make it a more universal fix there in your setups, rather than me trying fix it with your suggestions here on just my one site…

    I have a bunch of sites both live and dev all in the same reseller account on the same high-end server with all using the same basic WP installs and each with lots and lots of plugins… And this is the only plugin that is giving this sort of issue anywhere…

    And also again, though I am comfortable enough with css and html, getting into and messing with databases and config files and php is a little more tricky for my rather old brain… Not to mention the likelihood I’d have to keep going back and forth with you here for who knows how much…

    I do sincerely hope you fix this so I can reinstall and keep giving your plugin a try… Please inform this thread topic when you do, so I can get a notification email and know…?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Aaron



    This might be fixed in version 2.35.16. Let me know if you get another chance to try it.



    I’ve reinstalled, and 2.35.16 seems to have fixed it… So far can’t make that issue reappear, and it was right in my face before, so to speak… Thanks for getting on to it so quickly…

    Correction… The issue still occurs, though appearing a little different and not every time, though even once is too much of course…

    Here is the WordPress recovery email error details, as you can see similar, but not as long as before… I am going to uninstall your plugin once again, and wait for another update to give it another try… I’m willing to keep trying to help you get it right, as you have a really good plugin here, once this is fixed…

    When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information:
    WordPress version 6.6.2
    Active theme: Girly (version 1.8)
    Current plugin: 404 Solution (version 2.35.16)
    PHP version 8.2.23

    Error Details
    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 2050 of the file /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php. Error message: Uncaught Exception: No results for query: SELECT min(timestamp) as timestamp FROM wpjn_abj404_logsv2 in /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php:2050
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/View.php(1771): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getEarliestLogTimestamp()
    #1 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/View.php(554): ABJ_404_Solution_View->getAdminOptionsPageGeneralSettings()
    #2 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/View.php(115): ABJ_404_Solution_View->echoAdminOptionsPage()
    #3 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/View.php(76): ABJ_404_Solution_View->echoChosenAdminTab()
    #4 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): ABJ_404_Solution_View::handleMainAdminPageActionAndDisplay()
    #5 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #6 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
    #7 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(259): do_action()
    #8 /home/curiouscrones/public_html/wp-admin/options-general.php(10): require_once(‘/home/curiouscr…’)
    #9 {main}

    Plugin Author Aaron



    Thanks for letting me know about the continued issues. The most recent one might be fixed with version 2.35.17.

    Let me know if you get another chance to try it.



    Thank you once more for staying on top of it… I have updated and am so far unable to repeat the issue/errors… I’ll be working on the site for a while yet, and if any issue does again come up I’ll for sure let you know… And so in the meantime and once more, thank you for making this great plugin available… ????

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