• Resolved bogdan100


    Product “Wishlist” could not be added to cart because some options are not specified. Please, select some product options before adding the products to your cart.
    the plugin doesen t work for any product ?? if you try to add to cart the product that is in the wishlist appear that message . can we solve this problem?

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  • Plugin Support Stan


    Hi @bogdan100,

    Our plugin supports all default WooCommerce products types. The issue may appear if you are using some additional Woo add-ons. There are hundreds of WooCommerce addons on the web that allow to use custom meta data. Unfortunately there is no global solution to make our wishlist compatible with all of the other plugins. In most cases it requires integration of these plugins from our end. Usually we add compatibility on request. Please contact us via our live chat and our support staff will be glad to assist.


    Plugin Support Stan



    We have investigated the issue with WC Fields Factory plugin and found 2 problems:

    1. File Upload field required option is bugged in the plugin core code. This field is always required no matter what you set while managing it. You should contact plugin author and ask him to fix this issue.

    2. File upload field is not supported by the WIshlist and unfortunately there is not the way to fix this from our side.


    I do not have that plugin — “WC Fields Factory” — and this is not an issue with other plugins acting as a conflict.

    That message is generated from the WooCommerce Wishlist plugin itself.

    I’ve used a plugin by the name of, “String Locator” to find this message, and it came up as a message buried within your plugin. This message in your plugin is located on lines 298 and lines 413. In the “wp-content/plugins/ti-woocommerce-wishlist/public/wishlist/buttons.class.php” file.

    The only time I see it come up is when I choose “Add Selected to Cart” and that item is already IN the cart. Otherwise it does not appear. I’m trying to “break” my site and do things that are “forbidden” by plugins to test what happens, and that is when I saw this message come up.

    Granted, it’s only appearing when a user tries to add a product to the cart that is already IN the cart, but still. It’s confusing as hell, and it isn’t even an appropriate message for my product type. They are all single sale items.

    So no, this is not an issue that is, as you first said, “The issue may appear if you are using some additional Woo add-ons. There are hundreds of WooCommerce addons on the web that allow to use custom meta data. Unfortunately there is no global solution to make our wishlist compatible with all of the other plugins. In most cases it requires integration of these plugins from our end.”

    And if you DO support “all WooCommerce types” as you stated, then you should be able to support single sale items. There are no additional “options” for these items, so having the plugin tell customers they need to select additional items is not correct — so that message should never appear.

    Please fix this in your next update. Pretty please. Thank you.

    P.S.: this is happening with the latest edition of your plugin.

    And again, I’ll stress — this is not a plugin conflict as you first assumed. It’s a problem with your plugin recognizing the qualities of the products added from the Wishlist plugin to the cart.

    I noticed in another thread here that the user was using the YITH plugin, and had the same issue. I believe you thought it was YITH related, and then this latest update covered that. That’s great.

    But it’s not limited to merely YITH users. I’ve deactivated EVERY other plugin except WooCommerce and your plugin, and this message appears — again, only when I try to add a product to the cart from the wishlist that is already IN the cart. It for some reason behaves appropriately and says that I cannot add another “(insert product name here) product” to the cart, which is great. But then it adds that additional message.

    I have tested your plugin like this before, in previous editions, and that message telling me about product options NEVER came up before. So, this must have been added or adjusted within the last 5 updates or so.

    Thanks again in advance for fixing this issue on your end in the next update.

    Plugin Author templateinvaders


    Hi @lookingahead,

    Sorry for the late reply but we didn’t get notifications for the old topics. Please, create a new one next time.

    We’ve tested described case and can’t get the same error. Could you contact us via support chat from a plugin settings page?


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