Many thanks for sharing a recording of your latest experience. Based on your troubleshooting the conflict isn’t theme related. As I don’t encounter the same only with Site Kit and Elementor active let’s perform a couple more troubleshoot checks before I escalate this.
For the first check we can revisit your Elementor settings. From here please:
- Deactivate all experiments (Settings > Experiments > Deactivate All Experiments)
- Set some Advanced Settings to their default configuration: CSS Print Method > External File, Google Fonts Load > Default, Load Font Awesome 4 Support > No
After performing the above please clear your Litespeed cache and check your site once more.
You may also wish to use Safe mode in Elementor and check for the issue after doing so. This loads only the editor, without theme or plugin added Elementor styling (Tools > General > Safe Mode > Disable).
The above checks will help determine if there are Elementor configurations causing the unusual behavior, with Site Kit active. Let me know how you get on with the above, or ask if you have any questions.
Note also that we’re unable to login to users sites, as per support forum guidelines. Based on the previous recording it didn’t seem like only Elementor and Site Kit were active with a default theme.