• Resolved lionevi


    i get this error with give plugin:

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘setting’ in?./public_html/wp-content/plugins/give/src/DonationSummary/Assets.php?on line?36


    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘number_decimals’ in?./public_html/wp-content/plugins/give/src/DonationSummary/Assets.php?on line?36

    My Config:
    WP: 6.2
    PHP: 7.4.33
    Give: 2.25.2

    Thanks for your support

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @lionevi,
    Glad you reached out. I’ll need a little more information to get started here.

    First, send along your system information. You can do this by navigating to Donations > Tools > System Info (tab) and click the button to “Get System Report” and copy/paste that in your reply here.

    Next, I’ll need some detailed steps to replicate. I’d like to see if I can get this error in a sandbox environment. I’ll need to know exactly the steps you take when you encounter this error.

    Let me know if you have questions in the meantime, I’m happy to help.

    Thread Starter lionevi


    WordPress Environment
    Home URL: -
    Site URL: -
    WP Version: 6.2
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 256 Mo
    WP Debug Mode: ?
    WP Cron: ?
    Language: fr_FR
    Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    Show on Front: page
    Page on Front: Accueil (#19)
    Page for Posts: Blog (#16)
    Table Prefix Length: wpna_
    Table Prefix Length: 5
    Table Prefix Status: Acceptable
    Admin AJAX: Accessible
    Registered Post Statuses: publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit, request-pending, request-confirmed, request-failed, request-completed, refunded, failed, revoked, cancelled, abandoned, processing, preapproval
    Server Environment
    Hosting Provider: DBH: localhost, SRV: -
    TLS Connection: Connexion utilisé TLS 1.3
    TLS Connection: Probably Okay
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 7.4.33
    PHP Post Max Size: 128 Mo
    PHP Time Limit: 90
    PHP Max Input Vars: 3000
    PHP Max Upload Size: 128 Mo
    cURL Version: 7.88.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1t
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    Default Timezone is UTC: ?
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    SoapClient: ?
    DOMDocument: ?
    gzip: ?
    GD Graphics Library: ?
    Multibyte String: ?
    Remote Post: ?
    Remote Get: ?
    GiveWP Configuration
    GiveWP Version: 2.25.2
    GiveWP Cache: Activé
    Database Updates: Toutes les mises à jours de la base de données sont terminéees.
    Database Updates: All Database Migrations Completed.
    Database Tables: ? wpna_give_donors? wpna_give_donormeta? wpna_give_comments? wpna_give_commentmeta? wpna_give_sessions? wpna_give_formmeta? wpna_give_sequential_ordering? wpna_give_donationmeta? wpna_give_revenue? wpna_give_migrations? wpna_give_log
    GiveWP Cache: Activé
    GiveWP Cache: ?Nouveau don?Re?u de dons?Donation Processing Receipt?Nouveau don hors-ligne?Instructions pour le don hors ligne?Enregistrement d’un nouvel utilisateur?Information d'enregistrement de l'utilisateur?Commentaire sur le don?Accès aux mails
    Upgraded From: –
    Test Mode: Activé
    Currency Code: XOF
    Currency Position: Après
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Thousands Separator:
    Success Page: https://-/confirmation-de-don/
    Failure Page: https://-/le-don-a-echoue/
    Donation History Page: https://-/compte-donateur/
    GiveWP Forms Slug: /donations/
    Enabled Payment Gateways: Don de Test, Don hors ligne, Kkiapay
    Default Payment Gateway: Kkiapay
    PayPal IPN Notifications: N/A
    Donor Email Access: Activé
    Stripe Webhook Notifications: N/A
    Active GiveWP Add-ons
    Other Active Plugins
    BetterDocs: par WPDeveloper – 2.3.6
    BetterLinks: par WPDeveloper – 1.5.10
    Dashboard Welcome for Elementor: par IdeaBox Creations – 1.0.7
    Elementor: par Elementor.com – 3.12.0
    Elementor Pro: par Elementor.com – 3.12.0
    ElementsKit Lite: par Wpmet – 2.8.5
    EmbedPress: par WPDeveloper – 3.6.8
    Essential Addons for Elementor: par WPDeveloper – 5.6.4
    Happy Elementor Addons: par weDevs – 3.8.3
    IWS - Geo Form Fields: par ITs. Web Space – 1.0
    KKiapay-Give: par Kkipay Developer Team ?? – 1.0.0
    Loginizer: par Softaculous – 1.7.7
    Lottie Player - Block: par bPlugins LLC – 1.0.8
    Material Design Icons for Page Builders: par Photon WP – 1.5.0
    MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: par ibericode – 4.9.3
    NotificationX: par WPDeveloper – 2.7.0
    Polylang: par WP SYNTEX – 3.3.2
    Polylang - Country Detection: par Markus Wiesenhofer – 1.3.1
    Polylang Connect for Elementor: par Creame – 2.4.1
    SchedulePress: par WPDeveloper – 4.2.4
    Site Kit by Google: par Google – 1.96.0
    Slate Admin Theme: par Ryan Sommers – 1.2.4
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: par UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson – 1.23.3
    White Label CMS: par www.videousermanuals.com – 2.5
    Wordfence Assistant: par Wordfence – 1.0.9
    Wordfence Security: par Wordfence – 7.9.2
    WP Fastest Cache: par Emre Vona – 1.1.2
    Yoast SEO: par Team Yoast – 20.4
    Inactive Plugins
    IP Locator: par Pierre Lannoy / PerfOps One – 3.7.1
    LiteSpeed Cache: par LiteSpeed Technologies – 5.3.3
    ManageWP - Worker: par GoDaddy – 4.9.16
    Premium Addons for Elementor: par Leap13 – 4.9.52
    SendWP: par – 1.3.1
    The Plus Addons for Elementor: par POSIMYTH – 5.1.18
    WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: par David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft – 3.2.14
    Yoast Duplicate Post: par Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast – 4.5
    Active MU Plugins
    ManageWP - Worker Loader: par GoDaddy – 1.0.0
    Name: Hello Elementor
    Version: 2.7.1
    Author URL: https://elementor.com/?utm_source=wp-themes&utm_campaign=author-uri&utm_medium=wp-dash
    Child Theme: Non – Si vous modifiez Give sur un thème parent que vous n’avez pas personnellement créé, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser un thème enfant. Voir Comment créer un thème enfant

    Thanks !

    Hi @lionevi,
    I’ve done a bit of digging and I’m not able to replicate that warning you are seeing, but I do have some information to share with you.

    This warning isn’t something that will impact your ability to accept donations, it’s basically an indicator that something is passing by that should be caught. It won’t stop your site from functioning properly, and it won’t cause you any trouble with accepting donations.

    You’ll want to stop those warnings from displaying, and the best way to do that is by turning off wp debug log. You can use the following to suppress those warnings:

    To turn off the display of error messages on your site:

    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);

    To hide general PHP errors:

    @ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);

    I’ll go ahead and mark this as resolved for now, but if you have other questions about this you can send them along right here and I’ll hop in for a look. Have a great day!

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