Error with widget display
This afternoon, our weather widget started displaying the following:
Failure notice from provider:
Connection Error:http_request_failedDo you know what this means and if there’s anything I can do to fix it?
Well, this messagemeans the plugin can not get the weather data. Did you try a connection test (admin panel of wp-forecast) to see if something is wrong with the connection parameters.
Do you use accuweather or OpenWeatherMap?
Hi and thanks for your reply. We’re using Accuweather as the source and default as the method.
I tested the connection (see log results below) and it was fine, but the weather still doesn’t display. Instead of a test, I just get the location name and a degree symbol. The temperature and icon are blank.
This is also happening on another site on the same server, but not on a third site that’s hosted elsewhere. What do you think?
Checking for Weatherprovider Accuweather
Checking default transport
Test was successfull.
Fetched 1195 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking fsockopen transport
Test was successfull.
Fetched 1195 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking exthttp transport
Test was successfull.
Fetched 1195 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking streams transport
Test was successfull.
Fetched 1195 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking curl transport
Test was successfull.
Fetched 1195 Bytes in 0 seconds.cheers,
LThanks for your replay, meanwhile I figured out accuweather has either server problems or disabled the free api. So the only solution at th emoment is switching to OpenWeatherMap, but you must get an API key to use it. I will check if I can find another easier to use Weatherdataprovider as an better alternative.
Gotcha — I’ll give OpenWeatherMap a try in the meantime. I can’t remember if I tried it once before, but I’ll do it in the next day or so and let you know how it goes.
thanks again,
LI am facing the same problem, weather widget does not display data since yesterday afternoon. I checked the output of
wp_forecast_data($wpfcid, $wpf_language);
in debug.log. Looks like the API is being called, but the JSON fields are not set as expected, e.g.
[fc_dt_icon_1] => icons/.gif
[fc_dt_htemp_1] => °
After analyzing it, seems accuweather discontinued the api .. trying to fetch the data reeults in HTTP 404 error.
At the moment OPenweathermap is one alternative.
I am working on integrating to have one way to go without API and registration..
This will be released within a few days.
thanks a lot for the quick response!
Just confirming, by using Openweathermap as an alternative you mean the second option from the dropdown in the plugin settings, which is called dark sky, right?
Dark Sky was removed in Version 8.6, because it was discontinued by the new owner facebook / meta.
So it is OpenWEathermap which stays as an alternative.
My first test with Openmeteo are successful, think I can release it until weekend.
I tried the OpenWeatherMap service and got an API key. But it still doesn’t work. The error displayed is:
Failure notice from provider: A
I also noticed that since yesterday, the admin page has stopped saving the Long and Lat entries — they’re empty. I re-entered them, saved, and those fields are still empty. That wasn’t the case a couple days ago.
The plugin is working however on a site running on WP Engine web host.
But not on our server. Is something missing all of a sudden at our end that your plugin needs to communicate with any service? I know we have cURL. Not sure about fsockopen and stream, but I’m guessing they’re there too. What is the default for transfer method? I have it set at default.thanks for your help!
Here’s the result of the weather connection check — still good:
Checking for Weatherprovider OpenWeatherMap
Checking default transport
?????Test was successfull.
?????Fetched 108 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking fsockopen transport
?????Test was successfull.
?????Fetched 108 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking exthttp transport
?????Test was successfull.
?????Fetched 108 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking streams transport
?????Test was successfull.
?????Fetched 108 Bytes in 0 seconds.
Checking curl transport
?????Test was successfull.
?????Fetched 108 Bytes in 0 seconds.Do you have an API Key for OpenWeaterMap V3 or OpenWeatherMap? Please try both settings and you should check if you have the latest version of wp-forecast 8.7 installed. If it worked before you can leave transport at default.
looking forward to the plugin update! thanks a lot for maintaining it!
Just released v8.8 with support for OpenMeteo. Please let me know if you encounter any problems. All accuweather widgets should be converted to OpenMeteo automatically.
Hi! I had same problem with error: Failure notice from provider: Connection Error:http_request_failed.
Now I updated to latest version but it did not transfer to Open-Meteo automatically, but rather default Weatherservice is OWM. By switching to Open-Meteo manually I got error No OpenMeteo data available.
I tried search function but I can’t find any location, I tried Berlin for example still nothing.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Hi dararede, can yout try to enter longitude and latitude manually, save it and see what happends and before please try connection test and share the results
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
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