Hi @mgparisi,
Thanks for sharing that, looks like the error does not affect functionality.
However, we have this documented for PHP 7 compatibility. Thanks for chiming in and bringing up those links.
If you are only seeing “[Error] WPRSS > 2:”, you need to change the error log level threshold to see additional information.
Please see: https://kb.wprssaggregator.com/article/110-error-logs-system-information
– Since you already imported the posts you’ll need to delete the imported posts/feed items to re-import them. Please keep in mind to delete them from your trash to remove them permanently.
– Go to your RSS Aggregator > Debugging and clear your log by hitting the red Clear Log button.
– Go to your RSS Aggregator > Settings and please change your Log level threshold to Error and below.
– Now manually fetch your feeds by hitting the Fetch Items link under the Feed Source title in the Feed Source list.
– Go to your Debugging Log and see if you can find any error message. If you know what you should do to fix the issue from there, please go ahead. But if you’re not sure, please send the newly generated log to us, so we can give you further guidance.
– You can change the Log level threshold back to Default again.