• Resolved spdctrl



    I’m getting an error that was intermittent but now seems to be permanent: Error:10001 Transaction failed due to internal error

    I am in sandbox (test) mode, using the 4916311462114485?credit card number.

    It seems to be coming back from Paypal via an IPN. The log is posted below (with sensitive information x’d out).

    Any advice, please? ??

    2024-05-07T20:44:04+00:00 Info Processing order #4672
    2024-05-07T20:44:04+00:00 Info do_direct_payment request: Array
    [VERSION] => 119
    [SIGNATURE] =>
    [USER] =>
    [PWD] => **
    [METHOD] => DoDirectPayment
    [PAYMENTACTION] => sale
    [IPADDRESS] => xx.xxx.xx.xx
    [AMT] => 1559.12
    [INVNUM] => WC-PayPal_Pro5028
    [ACCT] => **
    [EXPDATE] =>
    [CVV2] => ***
    [EMAIL] => [email protected]
    [FIRSTNAME] => x
    [LASTNAME] => x
    [STREET] => x x x x
    [CITY] => x x
    [STATE] => xx
    [ZIP] => xxxxx
    [SHIPTONAME] => x x
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [SHIPTOCITY] => x x
    [SHIPTOSTATE] => xx
    [SHIPTOZIP] => xxxxx
    [CUSTOM] => {"order_id":4672,"order_key":"wc_order_8djaZe8XnGTW8"}
    [NOTIFYURL] => https://xxxxx.com/wc-api/Woo_Paypal_Gateway_IPN_Handler/?wpg_ipn_action=ipn
    [BUTTONSOURCE] => mbjtechnolabs_SP
    [SOFTDESCRIPTOR] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [ITEMAMT] => 1395.00
    [SHIPPINGAMT] => 45.30
    [TAXAMT] => 118.82
    2024-05-07T20:44:09+00:00 Info do_direct_payment response: Array
    [TIMESTAMP] => 2024-05-07T20:44:09Z
    [CORRELATIONID] => 38e605ab99d68
    [ACK] => Failure
    [VERSION] => 119
    [BUILD] => 56068150
    [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10001
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Internal Error
    [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Transaction failed due to internal error
    [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error
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