• Resolved Belgian Foodie


    For the past 2 days, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to fix an error in my Google Dashboard on WP. It states “This report is unavailable”.

    When I go to “Errors & Debug” under the Google Analytics tab, I see the following information re: the error:
    Last Error: 2015-11-11 12:37:46: (403) Error calling GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/data/ga?ids=ga%3A101456711&start-date=today&end-date=today&metrics=ga%3Asessions&dimensions=ga%3Ahour&quotaUser=u1s1p101456711: (403) This service is not available from your country

    I’ve called Google and worked with them. They say it’s a WP problem (not with the plugin or Google analytics). I’ve tried several times clearing the cache, de-activating and re-activating all the plugins. Nothing works. The error message did disappear for a few hours earlier today, only to re-appear without any warning again.

    I’ve reviewed pass threads and their recommendations don’t work or don’t apply here. Can anyone please help me? THANKS

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  • anymvs


    I have the same problem and I think the problem is a combination of plugins and services! do you use CDN for your wordpress ?

    I am not sure if that’s the problem (it’s just conjectures ) but I trying to figure out what’s going on!

    if someone find out something, I will appriciate if he/she share it with us !


    Thread Starter Belgian Foodie


    Hello Anymvs, I still don’t know what the problem is. I’m thinking of trying a new Google Analytics plugin to see if it is the plugin. But really think the problem lies with WordPress.

    Would appreciate any help I can get.

    Thread Starter Belgian Foodie


    Hello again, a few days ago I went here to find out more about the error codes and to report the problem. It was fixed a few hours later…but then the problem came back. You may see if this link helps you: https://deconf.com/error-codes-in-google-analytics-dashboard-for-wordpress/


    You’ve posted the question in the wrong place, it should have been posted here:

    I wonder where is your server located and from where are you accessing your site.

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