Hi @daro2013, Thanks for reaching out to us.
You can manually run the following database query to clear out your firewall rules and force an update of new fresh rules that do not contain the problematic rule. Please use phpMyAdmin to run the query. If you haven’t used this tool before, we strongly recommend contacting your hosting provider for assistance.
The database query is:
DELETE FROM wp_wfconfig WHERE name=’wafRules’
Please note: The table prefix may be different from wp_ if you or your hosting provider changed it.
If you have had Wordfence installed for many years, you may have some database tables that include upper and lowercase letters (also referred to as ‘camelcase’). In that case, the query you would run would be:
DELETE FROM wp_wfConfig WHERE name=’wafRules’
Please note: We recommend making a backup of your database before running this query.
As a last resort, you can temporarily disable the Wordfence plugin by renaming the directory <span style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>where it is installed to a temporary name like?wordfence.</span>disabled. That will disable Wordfence, but your site will be unprotected. You will then need to run the query above before renaming the directory back to Wordfence and re-enabling the plugin.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.