• Hello,

    I’m working on a WordPress site for a local shelter, and after updating the settings and inserting [shelter_list] on the page, I get the following:

    Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /nfs/c08/h02/mnt/171098/domains/beta.akulakreative.com/html/scdr/wp-content/plugins/petfinder-listings/petfinder-listings.php on line 197
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(https://api.petfinder.com/shelter.getPets?key=8528c7e9a624aa207363897264654cf5%20&count=75&id=CA1482&status=A&output=full) [function.simplexml-load-file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /nfs/c08/h02/mnt/171098/domains/beta.akulakreative.com/html/scdr/wp-content/plugins/petfinder-listings/petfinder-listings.php on line 197
    Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "https://api.petfinder.com/shelter.getPets?key=8528c7e9a624aa207363897264654cf5%20&count=75&id=CA1482&status=A&output=full" in /nfs/c08/h02/mnt/171098/domains/beta.akulakreative.com/html/scdr/wp-content/plugins/petfinder-listings/petfinder-listings.php on line 197
    Petfinder is down for the moment. Please check back shortly.
    I tried adding
    ini_set("allow_url_fopen", true);
    ini_set("allow_url_include", true);

    to petfinder-listings.php, but nothing changed. I’m a designer with VERY minimal .php experience, so I have no idea what to do. Right now the files are on my shared hosting account at MediaTemple.


    Thanks in advance!


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  • Plugin Author bridgetwes



    I bet Media Temple won’t let you access remote urls through the method I am using. You can try the following fix. If it doesn’t work, next week I hope to have time to update my plugin so it will attempt to access remote URLs through different methods until it finds one that works.

    A potential fix is below:

    Created a php.ini file in your main WordPress folder (level that has .htaccess) and put the following in it:

    allow_url_fopen 1
    allow_url_include 1

    Thread Starter akulakreative



    I created a php.ini with the following:

    <? phpinfo(); ?>
    allow_url_fopen 1
    allow_url_include 1

    I’m unfamiliar with php, so that might be wrong. I did upload it at the same level as .htaccess, but to no avail. Also tried moving it to the wp-admin folder. No changes.

    Happy to donate for a plugin update – this site is being provided to a local dog rescue and it will be a vital feature.


    Plugin Author bridgetwes


    If you have <? phpinfo() ?> at the top of your php.ini file it will probably mess it up. You can put
    <?php echo phpinfo() ?>
    in a test.php file in your site root (and then navigate to the test.php in your web browser) to see if you have allow_url_fopen turned on (search for that string and value should be Yes or 1), but I’m pretty sure that is turned off on your server.

    I have to update the plugin for a project I have coming up so will try to get this fixed next week for you.

    Thread Starter akulakreative


    Did the test and came up with 1, but I’ll just wait until you have an update for the plugin since I have no idea what I’m doing.

    Thanks so much!

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