For the demo, we have not included our own Stripe testing keys in the settings.
As a result this creates the error you encountered, if you select the option POS Stripe Card to process a payment.
If you are still interested in testing the Stripe integration on the POS, we’d recommend two options.
Option 1: After launching the demo, click the WooCommerce Settings and Payment tab and select Stripe: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout§ion=stripe
Enter in your Stripe test keys and also update your Stripe dashboard with the correct Webhook Endpoints. After you enter in your test keys, you can test the Stripe Integration with the POS and order amounts showing in your Stripe dashboard. One item to flag, the demo time is limited to 15 mins, so you may need try a few sessions before completing full testing of the Stripe integration.
Option 2:
We’d recommend this specific option over option 1. Create a staging or local copy of your website for testing. Download the POS plugin and setup the POS on the staging or local version of your website. This will allow you all the time you need to conduct testing with Stripe.
The same process will apply detailed above for setting up Stripe on your staging/local server or live server.
Click the WooCommerce Settings and Payment tab and select Stripe: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout§ion=stripe. Enter in your Stripe test keys. Go update your Stripe dashboard with the correct Webhook Endpoints.
I hope this information was helpful to explain why the App Crash occurs on the demo. After the keys are added under option 1 or option 2, the crash reported will no longer occur. The demo is provided as an interactive experience of the POS, but not intended for full testing purposes.