• Hi,
    in the POPUP TIMING setting I have introduced the following value:
    Popup seconds: 30
    Popup delay: 10
    Popup repeat seconds: 5
    Popup repeat times: 5
    Next visualization(hours): 6
    Whe I enter in the web, popup will be showed immediately (and no after 10 second…)
    Also popup will be showed during 40 seconds (30 more 10).
    So I think there is same problem with DELAY.
    In addition to that, after 40 seconds popup disappear and after 5 seconds popup retourn to will be showed (Popup repeat seconds: 5). But I have setted:
    Next visualization(hours): 6
    Also the REPEAT POPUP it is not showed during 30 sencond (or 40 due to the error…) and it is showed PERMANENTLY.
    The last things is the following:
    I dont understand the difference between:
    Popup repeat seconds: 5
    Next visualization(hours): 6

    I hope your answare about this errors.
    Thanks for your support

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  • Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi, I have tested your last version, and I have seen that you have resolved the error deleting in this new version some option like:
    Popup repeat seconds
    Popup repeat times
    They was not at all clear, and I remember they generated me confusion.
    Now all run well about:
    Popup seconds
    Popup delay
    Next visualization (hours)
    But there is a little error about the option “Disable easy closing”:
    It disable ESC button and outside click from popup, but the simbol “X” for close popup continue to being showed. It is strange because if I want disable easy closing, off course I also want hide X button.
    I do not know if you forgot disable that, or you let it so user can show it (if it want…). Of course it can disable it using CSS.
    I have hide it using the following CSS:
    img#close_cross {display: none;}
    span#ipp_mobile_close_txt {display: none;}
    I post it, so users can use them.

    One thing more. This is a plugin with a very good support. But I suggest you to reply to all of the support posts, like that, even when you resolve the errors, because if you do not reply visitor can thingh your plugin is not supported very well and the error was not been resolved. User look into a support forum if there are answers from developer or no. If there are a lot of posts without answers, so they think “this is no a plugin with very good support”.
    So I suggest you to reply even if it is a simple reply like “we are working on it”. I am sure you are involved in a very hard work… but answer is the first thing analized for administrators, so it is very important for no lose clients.
    Sorry for this large post, but I only give you my suggestion ??

    Thanks for your support and for your work.

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