Errors with various plugins & feedburner errors too.
Starting few days ago I’m having several strange errors wit feedburner & my blog (
I have few errors with some plugins too.
I will explian it briefly:
My feedburner feed is extrangely failing to display imagnes and do not know why.
Some images are not displayed and if yo click them it suddenly appears an error
Forbidden you don’t have permnissions to access ….image.jpg on this server…
403 error image not found (It says you need to login or something to display images :S)
If you enter the blog, images are displayed correctly.My feedburner feed is displaying the whole articles while the original feed even having this option marked in WP settings, it only displays article resumes…
this is weird…
Talking about plugins:
I’ve got errors with wp-to twitter.
It doesn’t send my articles to twitter and displays an error regarding it couldn’t contact twitter servers or / failed to shorten links.
This is somewhat strange because it sometimes works correctly…
I recently installed several plugins that maybe made this things not work correctly.
Tweetme (by error) I deleted it.
Tweetmeme (It made wp-to-twitter fail. I have deleted and uninstaled it and errors are still there in (wp-to-twitter).I recently stalled wp super caché too, and use WPtouch (for mobile versions) and WPtouch recommends me to install Mobile version plugin. ?Can this be making everything else fail to display correctly?
Thanks to all, sorry about my english.
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