• Resolved yezzz


    Some people in my country have an apostrophe in their name. I just noticed that this is not handled properly.

    Email To: field shows \&039; instead of the apostrophe. Name in the email body correctly shows the ampersand, but has a backslash before it. I’m not sure if those backslashes are plugin-generated or user-generated.

    EDIT: the name displays fine in the online card, without backslash, so it must be wp greet adding this


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  • Plugin Author tuxlog


    In wpg-func-mail.php please try replacing

    $mail->FromName = html_entity_decode($sendername) ;
    $mail->FromName = html_entity_decode($sendername, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401 ) ;

    for every line you finde html_entity_decode in.
    The ENT_QUOTES does the trick.

    I add this to the next release.

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Sorry I missed your reply.


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