• Resolved domu


    I am using the “eShop Cart (Improved)” widget on my site (not yet live). I noticed that in the past when I add a product to the cart, the widget will automatically update the contents without needing a refresh.

    Now though, this functionality does not work. The item is added to the cart, but the widget doesnt automatically update and I need to refresh the page to see it. So actually it does not look like it is being added at all unless I refresh. Ive tried with Firefox and IE and both are the same.

    I suspect (but really not sure) that this may have happened after the last upgrade to WordPress (3.6).

    Any idea on how to fix this?


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  • I have the same problem here, notice it didnt work few days ago.
    I tried vincesta suggestion, i have change
    -insertAfter(this) to after(this)
    -insertAfter() to after()

    But still could not resolve the problem. Is there any thing i missed?
    Pls help

    im not a developer, i tried use firebug to find error msg, found this when i click add to cart….anyone can help

    hasData(e=undefined)jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 5)
    hasData(e=[[div.eshopajax]], t=undefined, n=false, r=[Object { url=”https://www.kidscreative…wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”, type=”POST”, isLocal=false, more…}])jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 5)
    hasData(e=[[div.eshopajax]], t=function(), n=undefined)jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 5)
    hasData()jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 5)
    hasData(e=Object { url=”https://www.kidscreative…wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”, type=”POST”, isLocal=false, more…})jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 5)
    (?)(response=”<p>Added</p>”)eshop-…r=3.5.2 (line 7)
    x(t=[Object { url=”https://www.kidscreative…wp-admin/admin-ajax.php&#8221;, type=”POST”, isLocal=false, more…}, [“<p>Added</p>”, “success”, Object { readyState=4, responseText=”<p>Added</p>”, status=200, more…}]])jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 4)
    x(e=Object { url=”https://www.kidscreative…wp-admin/admin-ajax.php&#8221;, type=”POST”, isLocal=false, more…}, t=[Object { url=”https://www.kidscreative…wp-admin/admin-ajax.php&#8221;, type=”POST”, isLocal=false, more…}, [“<p>Added</p>”, “success”, Object { readyState=4, responseText=”<p>Added</p>”, status=200, more…}]])jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 4)
    _evalUrl(e=200, n=”OK”, r=Object { text=”<p>Added</p>”}, i=”Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 …xt/html; charset=UTF-8\n”)jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 6)
    _evalUrl(e=readystatechange , i=undefined)jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 6)
    [Break On This Error]


    jquery…r=3.5.2 (line 5

    @ vincesta & @domu

    I was having same issue. Tried the mod to eshop-cart.js to change insertAfter* to after* and all works now.

    WordPress 3.6 | eShop 6.3.8 | Elegant Themes Aggregate 3.0

    Thread Starter domu


    Thanks all.

    I wonder if the author has accepted that this is not an issue specific to my site.

    I’m sorry but no – we cannot replicate this issue.

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