• I can’t speak English well. Please understand me.

    I think many famous bloggers in wordpress don’t use ‘No right click’ feature because they think it is bad to SEO(I don’t know it is true or not) and it is possible to copy content in some way or other. So I can find their same contents in many sites. They don’t care about it much or they post it to many sites maybe.

    But copy protect feature is veeeery important in some country like my country, Korea. Because many many bad people just use ‘ctrl cv’. Most of them don’t know about skill. They just press keyboard. So it is a very precious plugin to me. And I bought pro version a few weeks ago. It is a lifetime plugin. Not monthly or yearly thing. So I recommend it more. The free version is very good too but it makes me little angry when I use a plugin like page builder… Even I can’t use right click too;; but it is anyway good.

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