Boa tarde @lcunha13,
o problema deste estado é que as encomendas s?o contabilizadas como pagas
Onde é que verifica isso?
Segundo a documenta??o do WooCommerce:
Pending payment – Order received (unpaid)
Failed – Payment failed or was declined (unpaid). Note that this status may not show immediately and instead show as Pending until verified (i.e., PayPal)
Processing – Payment received and stock has been reduced – the order is awaiting fulfillment. All product orders require processing, except those that are Digital and Downloadable.
Completed – Order fulfilled and complete – requires no further action
On-Hold – Awaiting payment – stock is reduced, but you need to confirm payment
Cancelled – Cancelled by an admin or the customer – no further action required (Cancelled orders do not reduce stock by default)
Refunded – Refunded by an admin – no further action required
O método de pagamento por multibanco usa “On Hold” já que é um método de pgamento offline, tal como a tranferência bancária, método nativo do WooCommerce.
O estado “Pending Payment” é usado por gateways de pagamento online cujo pagamento, ou falta dele, é imediatamente definido após a entrada da encomenda, sendo um estado provisório.