The layout looks good. The problem I had (and this is with many sites, not just yours) is that it is not clear what the site is about or for whom it is intended. The domain name is different than the header, and there is no tag line.
Of course, by looking around I can figure out that there is some Anime/Manga theme, but people unfortunately will navigate away from a site very quickly if it doesn’t grab their attention. Also, something right below the header seemed to be loading but did not complete after several minutes. (I have a broad band connection.) By the way, my site does not load as fast as I would like and I am working with the ISP to resolve that. I can live with it, but it takes way too long (10 seconds) for all the images to appear sometimes.
Software companies are notorious for creating sites that do not clearly explain what their products do.
I would say you could get a 4 or 5 if these things were resolved, but I would have to go with 2 for now. That is not criticism: you are obviously talented. It is just the reality of how competitive a site must be to get and keep visitors.
Regards, –Konrad